Goola traders

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Revision as of 13:30, 12 February 2015 by TrTveT (talk | contribs) (Shopping list)
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You see light smoke coming up close.

There are 8 people camping on the western shore, two long kayaks rest on the beach.

They seem to be Goola traders.

Sarangerel is a smiling, kind looking man in traditional Goola wear. He is the Sire of his family.

Shopping list[edit]

Antitoxin (50gp) - a vial of antitoxin. Gives advantage on saving throws against poison for 1 hour.

Crowbar (2gp) - advantage on strenght checks where a crowbar would apply.

Costume for Ju-ju-galaa (5gp) - Colorful cloth with bells

Fishing tackle (1gp) - this kit includes a wooden rod, silken line (7m), corckwood bobbers (2), steel hooks (2), lead sinkers(3, different weights), velvet lures (3, different colors).

Healers kit (5gp) - bandages, salves, splint. 10 uses. As an action stabilize medium a creature that has 0 hp.

Goola backpack (2gp) - a colorful backpack with a secret compartment. Disadvantage on search checks.

Hunting trap (5gp) - An spike trap with 3 feet of chain. An action to set the trap. Has to be chained to a immobile object. A creature that steps on it has to make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4 piercing damage and stop moving. Can move only the length the chain allows. DC 13 Strength check to free it self. Failed stenght check results in 1 piercing damage.

Ink (10gp) - 0,3 dcl. Has a nice smell to it.

Ink pen (2cp) - made from a feather.

Lamp (5sp) - 15 foot bright light and 30 additional feet of dim light. Burns for 6 hours on 1 pint of oil. As an action there is a hood that can be lowered to reduce the light to only 5 feet of dim light.

Bells (2gp) - a packet of 5 walnut sized bells. Made to scare to spirits.

Oil (1sp) - a flask of easy burning oil. When out of the flask dries after 1 minute. Thrown at a creature, if the creature takes fire damage, it takes an additional 5 fire damage. Thronw on the ground and lit, it creates a 5 foot burning square that causes 5 fire damage to any creature that enters the area or ends it's turn in the area.

Wooden toys (5sp) - Carved in Goolean style. Hardy but not too fine. Fit for a child's toy. An evil looking dragon; an exceptionally stupid looking ogre with a finely carved cat on it's head; a pained figure engulfed in flames with an arrow shot through it's throat, this is the demon Amy;

Wooden umbrella (3gp) - An umbrella like construction invented by [Batbayar]. All attacks made by Styrges and similar creatures have disadvantage against a target hiding under an umbrella. Needs an action to use. User is blind and can't use attacks.