The Dragon Star
A wiki for a Legends of Steel (Barbarians of Lemuria edition) play by post game hosted on
Fallon Youngcrest
Careers | Attributes | Combat Abilities |
Warrior 1 | Strength 1 | Brawl 1 |
Physician 1 | Agility 1 | Melee 2 |
Noble 2 | Mind 1 | Ranged 0 |
Rogue 0 | Appeal 1 | Defense 1 |
Contacts - You keep up a particularly large network of friends, acquaintances and ‘people who know people’. You get an extra die whenever rolling against one of your careers to contact someone you know or find out the ‘word on the street’.
Natural Leader - Some people were just born to lead. Your character is one of them. For some reason people will look to him for direction. In a crisis situation his orders will usually be followed. Whenever your character needs help to storm a castle or lay siege to an evil temple, all he has to do is go to a tavern, barracks, whorehouse, bathhouse, outhouse, etc., and recruit a bunch of guys to help him out (at least temporarily). Your character gains an extra die when trying to inspire a person or group, or to accomplish a leadership task.
Elderly - You are not as young as you used to be. If you have not had a decent amount of rest each day, you begin to slow and tire. Use an extra die for any physical action if pushed too hard without rest.
Lifeblood 11
Hero Points 5
Equipment: Bracers (1), Boots (1), Broadsword (d6)
Fallon was a low-born native of Albena, enlisting as a member of the city’s militia when he was young. He rose among the ranks quickly, and proved his worth in battle many times over, eventually winning him the title of knight of the realm. He won many campaigns against the Sikkar, as well as a few minor skirmishes against and with neighbors, and retired as a land-owning lord with the title of baron.
Still remembered as a worthy swordsman, horseman, and born leader, he nonetheless became embroiled in the many pointless intrigues among Albena’s lords that ultimately led to its demise against Radu. Now gray-haired, and with slightly stooped shoulders, Fallon was forced to the streets during the last invasion, his keep and lands razed. His bitterness against the sorcery-wielding fiends of his nemesis have fueled his survival instincts. He sent his family away to Emesa for their well-being during uncertain times.
“Ring for Fallon if ever you need a valiant and disciplined warrior to fight your battles…and he will come! Right after he finishes his ale…”
— Filch Quickfinger, scandalmonger
“When I look into Fallon’s eyes, I still see both the youthful man full of fight, and the passionate leader to whom younger men flock. However, where there was optimism and pride, I now see acridity and regret.”
— Sir Valenthorn, invalid veteran of the Radu invasion
“To see Youngcrest’s ire raise at the petty lords’ ramblings during council is to see the coming of dark clouds. It is best to find shelter before storm breaks.”
— Adamacus Ren, council of lords scribe