/Elin Creyr

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Halfling Ranger 5


Age: 35

Height: 2'9

Weight: 28 lbs

Archtype: Horselord

The Creyr family has a long and, initially, respected history. Elin's great-great-grandfather was a healer of substantial skill, and his efforts saved the lives of many - including one who had garnered the 'affection' of a powerful vampire. Although Elin's ancestor was able to drive the vampire away when it tried to claim it's prize, the undead began to wage a covert campaign against the healer and his descendants.

Elin is the last of the family, her line having been driven from towns and cities and into the wilderness where she was born, raised on tales of ther ancestral enemy.

Travelling widely, Elin has lived as a hunter, although she has never been able to resist that call to hunt the old enemies of her family.

A small halfling with a rather striking combination of dark skin and pale hair, Elin looks every part the hunter, followed closely by a large wolf and a small hawk.

Strength: 12

Dexterity: 16

Constitution: 14

Intelligence: 12

Wisdom: 14

Charisma: 12

HP: 60 (5d10+10)

AC: 17

BAB: +5


Sling Staff: +9

Longsword (Silver): +7

Boar Spear (Cold Iron): +7


Sling Staff: +11

Fortitude Save: +7

Reflex Save: +8

Willpower Save: +4


Level 1: Ammo Drop

Ranger 2: Mounted Combat (Mounted combat style)

Level 3: Point-Blank Shot

Ranger 3: Endurance

Level 5: Mounted Archery


Hunter's Blood

Tattooed Wanderer

Skills - ranks - total mod

Handle Animal - 5 - 9 (11 w/ Phelan)

Knowledge: Nature - 5 - 9

Knowledge: Religion - 5 - 9

Perception - 5- 12

Ride - 5 - 11 (13 w/Phelan)

Sleight of Hand - 1 - 8

Survival - 5 - 10

Stealth - 4 -18

Favoured Enemy

Magical Beast


Favoured Terrain



1 Level (2/day)


Abundant Ammunition

Commune With Birds


+2 Halfling Sling Staff (Ranged 1d6+3 damage, x3 critical, 80ft range) (Melee 1d4+3 x2 critical) (1.5 lbs)

Boar spear (cold iron) (1d6+1 damage, double damage braced against charge)

Longsword (Alchemical silver) (1d6 damage 19-20/x2 crit)

Mithral Shirt (4 AC, 6 max dex, 6.25 lbs)

Sleeves of Many Garments

Sling bullets (20)

Military Saddle


12x Carnivore feed

Bird training kit



Rope, Silk

14x Halfling trail rations


Campfire Bead

45.6 gp

Hawk (hunting-trained)

Wolf (Animal Companion (as 2nd level druid))

Phelan F Wolf, Animal Companion 2

Str 13

Dex 15

Con 15

Int 2

Wis 15

Cha 6

HP: 19 (3d8+6)

AC: 14

BAB: +2

Mele: Bite +3 (1d6+1, plus trip)

Fort: 5

Ref: 5

Will: 3


Perception +8

Stealth +6

Swim +5

Survival +1 (+5 scent tracking) (untrained)

Feats Stable Gallop ([1])

Valiant Steed ([2])


Hunting trained (attack, down, fetch, heel, seek, and track)

Animal Companion bonus tricks (Hunt)