TORDOM:Heroic Investment

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Heroic Investment

Note: these rules are in lieu of the generational rules that will appear in the Adventurer's Companion. They will likely be superseded at some point in the future by official rules.

Even the most determined hero will find that one day his sword is not as keen as it once was, or that her eye-sight is no longer eagle-sharp. Wise adventurers will prepare for this day by spending time training the younger generations, so that one might take their place one day.

Each Year's End Fellowship Phase, a hero may elect to invest one Experience Point. While the XP still counts towards the character's total, it cannot be used for any other purpose. No more than one XP per Year's End may be invested, and the total invested cannot exceed 14 XP. When that character is killed, retired, lost to the Shadow or otherwise no longer available, if the number of invested Experience Points exceeds the number that the new hero would gain from Heroic Heritage, then the invested total is used instead.