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Culture: High Elf of Rivendell
Standard of Living: Prosperous
Cultural Blessing: Against the Unseen. Perceive creatures that dwell in wraith-world. Also, automatically succeed on any fear tests forced upon them by undead creature.
Calling: Warden Shadow weakness: Lure of Power
Specialties: Elven Lore, Enemy of Sauron, Shadow Lore
Distinctive features: Fair-spoken, Merry
Body: 5 Heart: 5 Wits: 8
Body (favoured): 8 Heart (favoured): 7 Wits (favoured): 9

-Common Skills-

* Awe: 2
* Inspire: 1
* Persuade: 0
* Athletics: 2
* Travel: 2
* Stealth: 0
* Awareness: 2
* Insight: 1
* Search: 1
* Explore: 0
* Healing: 2
* Hunting: 0
* Song: 2
* Courtesy: 1
* Riddle: 1
* Craft: 2
* Battle: 2
* Lore: 3
-Weapon Skills-
  • (Spears): 2
  • Longsword: 3
  • Bow: 1
  • Dagger: 1
  • Lesser Ring (Heart)
  • Long Sword damage: 5/7 edge: 10 injury: 16/18 enc: 3
  • Dagger]damage: 3 edge: G injury: 12 enc: 0
  • Mail Shirt armor: 3d enc: 12
a bag containing her diary, writing material, some maps of the Wilderland and Eriador, and other travel gears.
Fatigue & Endurance
Endurance: 30 Starting Endurance: 30 WEARY
Fatigue from Encumbrance: 15 Fatigue from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 15
Hope & Shadow
Hope: 12 Starting Hope: 12
Temporary Shadow: 0 Permanent Shadow: 1 Total Shadow: 1
Protection & Damage
Armour: 3d Headgear: +0
Parry: 8
Damage: 5 Ranged: 5
Experience & Advancement
Wisdom: 1 Valour: 2
Experience: 0/0 Advancement: 0/0
Fellowship: ? Treasure: 0 Standing: 0
Fellowship Focus: Aravir Sanctuaries: Home, Beorn's Hall, Woodland Hall


Nimrodel spend most of her long life at Rivendell, studying the lore of the past as a guardian of Imladris. She learned a lot about the effect of the Shadow but never understand why her people so active in the first 2 ages, abandoned Men in their fight against the Shadow. When rumors arrived at Rivendell about the return of Evil in Mirkwood, Nimrodel leave the last Homely House and cross the Misty Mountains to settle at Rosgobel, where she hopes to study more about the Darkening of Mirkwood and help the wizard Radagast and the Woodmen in their fight.

Like her kinds, Nimrodel is tall and lithe with dark hair braided in her back and pale blue eyes like ice. She wears her mail shirt under fine elven cloths and has her long sword crossing her back.