Morgrave High: Esterhauz

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Minor Artifact
Neck Slot
+2 Enhancement Bonus to Fort/Reflex/Will


You gain +1 Item bonus to all saving throws.
You gain +5 Item bonus to saving throws against Charm and Fear effects.
You gain +2 Item bonus to Initiative checks

Esterhauz can communicate telepathically with you. Esterhauz knows all languages that you know as well as Giant; while it cannot speak normally, you can lend Esterhauz your vocal chords to allow it to communicate with others. Esterhauz makes History, Religion, and Arcana checks with a +15 bonus, the results of which it may be persuaded to share with you.

You also gain:

Telekinetic Grasp
With your mental strength, you can manipulate nearby objects.
At-Will Psionic
Minor Action Ranged 5

Target: One object that weighs 20 pounds or less and isn’t carried by another creature
Effect: You manipulate the target or move it 5 squares to a square within range.


Esterhauz favors caution, intellectual superiority, arrogance, and judicious action in its hosts

Starting Score 5
Owner gains a level +1d10
Owner humiliates an opponent +1
Owner allows Esterhauz to solve a riddle, puzzle, or conundrum +2
Owner kills a psychic creature +1
Owner avoids unnecessary violent combat +2
Owner reduces a giant to 0 hp -2
DM's discretion +/-2

Concordance effects

Pleased 12-15
Enhancement bonus becomes +3 and Esterhauz gains the following property:

Daily Power: Factotum
Esterhauz can copy the uses of other items it studies
Minor action
Requirement: You must expend the use of another item's daily power to use this ability
Effect: Esterhauz gains the one time use of the expended daily power until the end of the day.

Normal 5-11
As stat block

Displeased 4 or less
Esterhauz refuses to use Telekinetic Grasp and you lose the +1 item bonus to saving throws and +5 item bonus to saving throws against Fear and Charm effects.

Current Concordance

Concordance: 10