Silent Waters Run Deep
This is the homepage for ChalkLine's Cyberpunk 2020+ game played on
Silent Waters Run Deep
A Cyberpunk 'Cops' game set in a drowned San Diego
Dramatis Personae
Player Characters
Nikki Caliente:
Chase Bannon:
Diego Huertas:
- Weapons
- 1 x Colt 'Enforcement 10' Automatic Pistol and 3 spare magazines
- 1 x Militech Taser
- 1 x Night Stick.
Weapon Name | Weapon Type | Accuracy | Concealment | Availability | Damage | Magazine Capacity | Shots/Round | Reliability | Range |
Colt Enforcment 10 | Pistol | +1 | Jacket | Common | 2d6+3 (10mm/.40 calibre) | 14 | 2 | Very | 50m |
Militech Taser | Pistol | -1 | Jacket | Common | Stun (taser dart) | 10 | 1 | Standard | 10m |
Colt Enforcment 10 | Melee | 0 | Jacket | Poor | 2d6+3 | NA | NA | Very | 0m |
- Clothing
- 5 x Tactical Overalls with Name tag and 'SDPD' logo on back. (Dark Blue)
- 1 x Boots (lace up )
- 1 x Tactical Gloves
- 2 x Gym gear with SDPD logo
- 1 x Shooters cap with SDPD logo (Dark Blue)
- 1 x Reflective sunglasses. (laser-safe/ballistic grade)
- Cyberwear
- Neuralware processor (super encryption Bluetooth needs no plugs)
- GPS locator app loaded
- Neuralware processor (super encryption Bluetooth needs no plugs)
- Electronics
- Demountable helmet 2-way radio/video headset
- SDPD issue tablet
- SDPD Badge wallet with bio-authorisor
- Armour
- Helmet (SP20), Anti-Dazzle, Hight intensity beam light, Hard Armour
- Torso (SP20), MOLLE* harness, climbing/extraction harness, Hard Armour
- Leg Rig (SP12), drop leg holster, MOLLE on thigh, feet, shins and knees are Hard Armour
- Arm Rig (SP12), MOLLE on upper arm.
(*MOLLE Harness: Allows the user to attach any sort of pouch, holster, magazine pouch etc to harness)
- Equipment
- 2 x handcuffs and key.
- 1 x Evidence kit (gloves, 10 x ziplok bags, etc)
- 10 x Ziplok cable ties
The Station
House Rules
Role-Less Cyberpunk, rearranged skills and extra First Aid rules.