Matt Cole (a.k.a. Ghost)

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Solo D8, Buddy D6, Team D10


Criminal Background
Gentle Soul

[D4+1PP or D8]

Power Sets

Dead & Doesn't Know It

Intangibility D10
Invisibility D8
Senses (Supernatural) D6
Sorcery (the Dead) D8

SFX: Second Chance Spend 1 PP to reroll when using any POWER SET power.
SFX: Focus If a pool includes a POWER SET power, you may replace two dice of equal size with one die +1 step larger.
Limit: Uncontrollable Change any POWER SET power into a com- plication and gain 1 PP. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover the power.
Limit: Exhausted Shutdown any POWER SET power to gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene.

Ghost Suit

Enhanced Durability D8
Speed D6
Enhanced Reflexes D8
Leaping D6
Swingline D6
Weapon D6

SFX: Grapple Add a D6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting TYPE complication on a target.
Limit: Gear Shutdown POWER SET and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. doom pool to recover.


Acrobatic Master D10
Combat Expert D8
Covert Expert D8
Crime Expert D8
Tech Expert D8

[You may convert Expert D8 to 2D6, or Master D10 to 2D8 or 3D6]



1 XP when he interacts with someone from his criminal past.
3 XP when he commits a non-violent crime.
10 XP when he has to decide between betraying an old friend from his underworld days and letting him escape.


1 XP when he successfully uses Sorcery for the first time in a scene.
3 XP when he encounters supernatural events or people for the first time.
10 XP when he stresses out or is stressed out by a supernatural hero (e.g. Dr Fate, Phantom Stranger, Madame Xanadu, the Spectre, Zatanna, Deadman).






Matt Cole grew up in Lothsmith's Alley in Gotham's Narrows. Decades ago it had been a home to respectable artisans and their family firms. In recent times, it had become run down, but the technical side of the community stayed alive in chop-shops and used electrical goods stores. This was the street that found its own uses for technology, and it survived the worst of the Narrows' gang warfare by being useful to some dangerous people in need of technical support.

Matt picked up tech knowledge from his dad, just like every kid in the street, but his heart wasn't entirely in it. He didn't want to be a back-room guy. He wanted to be in the mix. His distaste for violence meant he was never going to be a thug, but he was able to parlay his technical skill, small size and natural agility into a decent career as a second-story man, justifying it by telling himself he was the non-violent option for jobs that were going to get done anyway. His dad wasn't happy about this new turn in his career, but built him a 'Ghost Suit' to help keep him alive. It's Matt's most prized possession.

Everything was going well enough until one job, stealing an artefact from an old collector on behalf of the Riddler. It should have been easy, but something went wrong. Matt had his hands on the item when the house exploded. He didn’t know how he managed to get out unscathed, but he did. He stumbled home and picked up his life again the next day, soon noticing, however, that he began to manifest strange and disconcerting powers. He heard voices and would see people who would then turn out not to be there. Sometimes, people didn't see him. Matt was sure that it was something to do with the artefact, but he doesn't know how or why. All he knows is that he has some connection with the realm of the unquiet dead.

When Batman caught him and offered him a way out or prison, he didn't choose to switch sides out of fear of the Bat, but because the ghosts he had been seeing finally brought home to him how he couldn't wash his hands of the violence his employers doled out so casually, even if he never perpetrated it himself.


Matt was always naïve about his work. He never like violence, but he also didn't want to be a back-room guy like his dad. He worked on the theory that if he didn't commit the crimes non-violently, someone else would do something much worse. His faith in this has been shaken, though, and he's currently freaked out by the new, bizarre experiences he's going through. He tries to cover with bravado.

Abilities & Resources

Matt is, unbeknownst to everyone including himself, dead. He was fated to die in that explosion, ...