Telemachus the Thaumaturge[edit]
- Neutral M-U 5
- XP: 28,638/40,001
- XP Bonus: 5%
- Backstory: Telemachus is a hard drinking, hard partying man, which makes more sense when you realize he repeatedly ventures into dangerous places without arms or armor. He has some skill in the arcane arts.
- STR 14 (+1 to hit and dmg in melee)
- DEX 10
- CON 16 (+2 HP per die)
- INT 13 (+1 language)
- WIS 15 (+1 to magic saves)
- CHA 10 (retainer morale 7)
- Common
- Black Tongue (0/39 hours studied)
Special Abilities[edit]
Warlock - 1d3 damage, 60’ range magic blast at will.
- HP: 22/22
- AC: 9/9
- Melee: THAC0 16, Staff 1d6+2 dmg
- Melee: THAC0 17, Dagger 1d4+1 dmg
- Ranged: THAC0 18, Sling 1d4 dmg
- Movement: 120'
- Treasure-bearing movement:
- Saves:
- 13 Death Ray or Poison
- 13 Magic Wands (not including +1 for WIS)
- 13 Paralysation or Petrification
- 16 Dragon Breath
- 14 Rod, Stave, or Spell (not including +1 for WIS)
Equipment (25 lbs)[edit]
- Continual Light coin (around neck)
- Staff (4 lb, carried)
- Silvered dagger (1 lb, in boot)
- Scroll case (0.5 lbs, strap over shoulder)
- Sling (on belt)
- Belt pouch x2
- Bullets x10 (5 lbs, pouch 1)
- Flint and steel (pouch 2)
- Backpack (8 lbs + 6.5 lbs)
- Candles x10
- Mirror, steel
- Oil flask x4
- Ink vial
- Quill pen
- Sack, large x2
- Waterskin
- Trail rations x7
- Spellbook (5 lbs)
- Torches x8
- Potion x3 (1.5 lbs)
- Traveling spellbook (2 lbs, stored in Helix)
- 4,907 gp
- 8 sp
- 4 cp
- Garnet (100 gp)
- Amethyst x2 (100 gp)
Magical Items[edit]
Staff of the Spectre (Staff of Wizardry), 9 charges remaining
Potion of Diminution
Potion of Invulnerability
Scroll of Ward against Lycanthropes
Potion of Fire Resistance
Adighi candle (burns for 10 mins, reveals all hidden or invisible things within the radius of the candle's light)
Spellbook has 20/50 pages filled
1st level
- Detect Magic
- Light
- Magic Missile (mem)
- Protection from Evil
- Read Magic
- Sleep (mem)
2nd Level
- Arcane Lock
- Detect Evil
- Locate Object
- Web (mem x2)
3rd Level
- Lightning Bolt (mem)
- Water Breathing
Traveling Spellbook[edit]
Spellbook has 3/20 pages filled
- Magic Missile
- Web
Aithon, War Horse[edit]
Encumbrance 53/200 lbs
- Saddle (25 lbs)
- Pick (10 lbs)
- Sledgehammer (10 lbs)
- Saddle bag x2 (8 lbs)
- Bedroll
- Blanket, winter
XP and GP Disbursement[edit]
- 92 XP from defeating six harpies.
- 252 XP from defeating eight harpies and acquiring platinum necklace.
- 218 XP from looting harpy nest and defeating two Tower Guardians.
- 51 XP from recovery of urns from barrow.
- 174.26 gp + 100 gp garnet from harpies and nest.
- 268 XP from zombies, wight, and pteradon.
- 418 XP from amphora, ring, and gems.
- 18 XP from selling pteradon parts.
- 138 XP from barrow wight and wight.
- 343 XP from three urns.
- 3,076.19 gp and 4,762 XP from selling Elven Boots.
- 1,530 gp and 1,667 XP from selling Incense, Dust, and ring.