Hiram J. Chantry
STR: 5 DEX: 13 INT: 12 Idea: 60 CON: 9 APP: 14 POW: 13 Luck: 65 SIZ: 14 SAN: 65 EDU: 16 Know: 80 99-Cthulhu Mythos: 99 Damage Bonus: none
- Accounting 65%
- Anthropology 0%
- Archery 20%
- Architecture 0%
- Archæology 0%
- Astronomy 0%
- Bargain 65%
- Biology 60%
- Block 26%
- Boating 45%
- Botany 0%
- Carpentry/Woodcraft 10%
- Cartography 0%
- Chemistry 0%
- Climb 40%
- Conceal 15%
- Credit Rating 60%
- Cryptography 0%
- Cthulhu Mythos 0%
- Demolitions 0%
- Disguise 20%
- Dodge 26%
- Dreaming 13%
- Drive Auto 50%
- Electrical Repair 10%
- Fast Talk 5%
- First Aid 30%
- Forensics 0%
- Forgery 0%
- Geology 0%
- Handgun 20%
- Hide 10%
- History 20%
- Hypnosis 0%
- Jump 25%
- Law 5%
- Library Use 25%
- Listen 25%
- Locksmith 0%
- Machine Gun 15%
- Martial Arts 0%
- Mathematics 10%
- Mechanical Repair 20%
- Medicine 5%
- Natural History 10%
- Navigation/Land 10%
- Navigation/Sea, Air 0%
- Occult 5%
- Operate Hvy. Machine 0%
- Persuade 60%
- Pharmacy 0%
- Photography 10%
- Physics 0%
- Psychoanalysis 0%
- Psychology 60%
- Ride 5%
- Rifle 25%
- Shotgun 30%
- Sneak 50%
- Spot Hidden 25%
- Submachine Gun 15%
- Swim 25%
- Throw 25%
- Track 10%
- Zoology 0%
- Fist/Punch 50%
- Head Butt 10%
- Kick 25%
- Grapple 25%
- Club 25%
- Knife 25%
Name | Calibre | Weight | Cost | Shots | HPs | Atks | Range | Damage |
Mauser C96 'Broomhandle' pistol | 9mmP | 1.13 kg | $30 | 10(i) | 8 | 2 | 15y | 1D10 |
1929 DuPont Saloon
Horse-drawn hearse, four black horses
Other Information
Hiram Chantry is tall, thin and slightly stooped as becomes a mortician. He wears spectacles on the end of his nose to assist in reading and in his work. Given to wearing black clothes and comfortable among the dead, Chantry is a narrow man with narrow beliefs. He is a teatotaller but not a zealot, that being too 'forward'.