Bjorn the Brash
A character in the Idleandsturdy B/X Campaign.
- Chaotic Fighter 2
- XP: 2001/4000
- Backstory: Bjorn the Brash is the second son of a minor noble. His lack of manners and biting observations lead to his disinheritance.
- STR 16 +2
- INT 14 +1
- WIS 6 -2
- DEX 13 +1
- CON 11
- CHA 6 -1
- HP: 16
- AC: 3
- Attack: +2 (Str), 1d8+2
- Movement: 60/20/60
- Treasure-bearing movement:
- Saves:
- Death Ray or Poison 12
- Magic Wands 13
- Paralysation or Petrification 14
- Dragon Breath 15
- Rod, Stave, or Spell: 16
Racial Abilities
- Encumbrance: ???
- Plate Armor
- Two-Handed Sword
- Backpack