Gunstar Chandrasekhar

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A character in Gunstar Autochthonia: Raiton Wing


Chandrasekhar Nebula






I Blame the Parents

Theme Song: Dead Son Rising by Gary Numan


Psychologist-detective obsessed with The Beast That Stole Love From the Heart of All Worlds



Anima Banner:

Spend 1E, for the rest of the scene you and all allies you can perceive step back the effect die of any actions that inflict mental or emotional stress.


Born over and over, as befalls those of the Line who are Celestials, Chandrasekhar unwittingly stepped into a Destiny she would not have chosen for herself.

When the Beast ravaged the Singing Cavernous Concentric Hearts, Nebula was the only one left alive, bleeding from eyes and ears - the others had dug out their hearts with anything that came to hand. The Sages noted the stars burning in her eyes, and brought her into their fold.

She was the first to the Plaza of Gentle Caresses when the alarm sounded, only to find the lamps dark, the streets strewn with corpses which had coughed out first their lungs and then their hearts. Compassion and a sense of deja vu drove her on; she waded into the darkened plaza through sluggish, torpid blood, flowing softly -

- a vicious blow, turned aside - blows given and received too fast to comprehend - waking to stale air and missing ring fingers, yet clutching the smoky strands of the Beast's hair.

These she had forged into thin needles, and injected her own Compassion into them on the theory that the Beast projected its own lack of love and induced tainted essence and suicide in its victims; if so, she was willing to sacrifice her own ability to love to protect others, by grafting her compassion onto the Beast.

When murder-suicides via the victim's own ribs began to break out in the lower section of the Populate, she stalked the Beast, tracking it into the neural-nodes connecting the Populates together -

Missing Compassion felt worse than expected, but that was not all that was sacrificed - for this time, when Nebula stumbled out of the innards of the City, he was no longer a she. Through training, his compassion has begun to regrow, but to his horror, his memories have begun to distort, such that he has caught himself thinking he was always a he, and not a she. The Fate-Weavers complain that his Destiny reshapes itself when they turn to other issues, attempting to somehow fade out of the tapestry.

Nebula is left with few options - to continue the fight, as best s/he can, and to find the Beast - for while the Sages can't foresee the outcome, it is painfully obvious that the Beast's Destiny and Nebula's are tightly intertwined.

Nebula has done past missions with Pion, also of Raiton Flight



Was -

Is -

Character Sheet[edit]

Exaltation d8

Distinctions (d8)

  • Truth Shall Set You Free (after it's done with you)
  • Two Steps Ahead
  • Playing the Long Game


  • Psychologist d10
  • Pilot d8
  • Scholar d8
  • Spy d6
  • Officer d6

Secrets Caste - Truth Finder:

  • of Secrets Yet Untold d10 (Investigation)
  • Blazing Comet Technique d10 (Piloting)
  • Astrology d8
  • Soft Presence Practice d8
  • Tell-Tale Symphony d8

Marvelous Inclusion of Details SFX - Add a d6 to your pool and step up your effect die by one when attacking a Mystery asset or distinction

Jupiter's Insight SFX - Insight - When you create an asset for an ally using "of Secrets Yet Untold", spend 1E to allow that ally to reroll a dice pool containing that asset.

Mirror Shattering Method SFX - Second Chance - spend 1E to reroll piloting, and also halves travel times for long range hyperspace jaunts.

Nebula - Visionary

  • Unwelcome Adviser d10
  • Driven by Hanging Doom d8
  • Violet Bier of Sorrows d6
  • Counter-Intel member d6 -- works with counter-intel and has some Secrets clearance

of Horrors Best Unknown SFX -- Spend 1E and make your roll as normal, then add a die from the Doom Pool to your total (so 3 dice in the total), then step down the die and return it to the Doom Pool. Your effect die becomes a Bound Fate complication, which lasts a year and a day. This complication may be tagged on any roll regarding a circumstance the Sidereal names at the time of its creation. At the end of any scene in which the complication is used, it is stepped down by one.

I Blame the Parents, Voidfighter Power Set[edit]

Ship Sensors d6, Vector-thrust Reflexes d8, Essence Cannons d8, Speed d10

Nova Warhead: Spend two Essence. Step up Essence Cannons to d12 for one attack, and make it an Area attack: Add one d6 to the dice pool per ally or opponent in area and apply an additional effect die to each target in the area. Then shutdown Nova Warhead power until the next transitional scene.

Prophecies of Astrological Importance[edit]

"How can I get you (the Beast) to turn back to our side?"

When sun and moon are intertwined, when the soul-spanning bridge lies fallen, when the love of all worlds lies dead at hate's feet, then dark will be light and light will be dark and the beast will return to the maker in penance.

"What do you (the Beast) wish I would do?"

”Bring me Desus.”

Old Character Sheet[edit]



Exaltation Die[edit]



[suppress for d4 + 1E + 1 Limit]

Compassion d6

Conviction d10 (Obsession)

Temperance d8

Valor d6


[d8 or d4+1E]

The Truth Shall Set You Free* (Secrets)

  • (After it's Done with You)

Two Steps Ahead

Nick of Time



Gunnery: d8 (1)
Sail: d10 (2) 
Occult: d8 (2)
Stealth: d8 (2) 
Investigation: d10 (3) 
Martial Arts: d6
Performance: d6


Class: d6 
Contacts: Theomachracy d6



Investigation: d8
Stealth: d6
MA: d6
Sail: d6
Occult: d6


Mirror Shattering Method - Spend 1E to take yourself and some number of tethered ships through hyperspace, travelling at 2X normal speed. Attempts to track you suffer 1d8 complication. Requires a Sail roll to navigate the correct course. Lasts 5 days.

Duck Fate - You can avoid almost any harm, at a price. Spend 2E to perfectly ignore any attempt to cause physical or mental stress or complications, or any shaping attempt. After resolving the attempt, add a d8 to the Doom Pool.

Marvelous Inclusion of Details - Hidden secrets hurl themselves at you to be recovered; step up the lowest die in any pool containing an Investigation excellency.

Of Horrors Best Unknown - This charm supplements a Lore or Occult roll to bind a creature's fate. Spend 1E and make your roll as normal, then add a die from the Doom Pool to your total (so 3 dice in the total), then step down the die and return it to the Doom Pool. Your effect die becomes a Bound Fate complication, which lasts a year and a day. This complication may be tagged on any roll regarding a circumstance the Sidereal names at the time of its creation. At the end of any scene in which the complication is used, it is stepped down by one.

Soft Presence Practice - Spend 1E to prevent your anima banner track from increasing until the end of the scene. Create a d8 "Stealth" asset only you may use until the end of the scene.

Tell-Tale Symphony - Spend 1E to hear Essence resonance.

Sidereal Astrology & Colleges[edit]

House of Journeys:

The Gull: d6 - travel for its own sake, wanderlust without profit, self-examination, inner change

House of War:

The Quiver: d8 - flexibility, fleetness of thought, ideas

House of Endings:

The Crow: d8 - the end of illusions and dreams


Virtue Flaw[edit]


1xp: Investigating the Beast instead of staying on task  (Disregarding orders?)
3xp+1: Ignoring people in immediate need to pursue the Beast
10xp +1: Sacrificing the Line (or those on it) to catch the Beast/let the Beast Escape to save the Line

Other Milestone[edit]

Third Eye Wisdom

1xp: Listen when someone needs to talk, help them recover from mental/emotional stress 
3xp: Tell someone a painful truth they need to hear, or discover the source of mental/emotional problem and attempt to help
10xp: Engineer a moment of satori/revelation that helps another resolve a critical issue, help teammate recover from long-term emotional/mental problem


+7 exp, given 10-27-12, for end of Prologue
+15 exp, given 1-25-13, for end of Chpt 1
+5 exp, given 5-1-13, for end of the Hunt of the Bole King
-10 for Tell-Tale Symphony
-5 for Performance skill, d6
-5 for Occult Exc, d6

Total: 5xp


Future Charms, Skills, and Colleges:[edit]


Larceny, Lore, Athletics


Sidereal Shell Game - This charm supplements an attempt to steal another's Ability. Spend 1E and make a Larceny roll; if successful, step down one of the opponent's Abilities by an amount of up to their ability rating or your Exaltation die (whichever is higher) and step up (or grant) yourself an ability die of the same amount. Lasts until the end of the scene. (ie; just like in Exalted, this steals Ability dice)


House of Journeys: The Captain: d6 - strength, determination, orderliness

House of Secrets: The Key - The Mask - secret wisdom, secrets known but concealed The Sorcerer -