Amee Fornier
- Nature: Trickster
- Demeanor: Judge
- Concept: Antique Book Dealer
- Clan: Tremere
- Generation: 12th
- Sire:
- Physical
- Str: 2
- Dex: 3
- Sta: 2
- Social
- Cha: 3
- Man: 3
- App: 2
- Mental
- Per: 4 - Forgeries and Fakes
- Int: 3
- Wits: 3
- Talents
- Alertness: 1
- Athletics: 1
- Awareness: X
- Brawl: 1
- Empathy: 1
- Expression: 1
- Intimidation: 1
- Leadership: X
- Streetwise: X
- Subterfuge: 1
- Skills
- Animal Ken: X
- Crafts: X
- Drive: 1
- Etiquette: 1
- Firearms: 2
- Larceny: 2
- Melee: 2
- Performance: X
- Stealth: 1
- Survival: X
- Knowledges
- Academics: 3
- Computer: 1
- Finance: 1
- Investigation: 2
- Law: 1
- Medicine: 1
- Occult: 3
- Politics: 1
- Science: X
- Technology: X
- Disciplines
- Auspex: 1
- Dominate: 2
- Thaumaturgy: 1
- Path of Blood: 1
- Rituals: Communicate With Kindred Sire (Level 1)
- Path of Blood: 1
- Backgrounds
- Contacts: 1 (Rare Book Trade)
- Generation: 1
- Herd: 2 (Bibliophiles)
- Mentor: 2 (Female Tremere 'Librarian', shares the same Sire)
- Resources: 2 (Stock, apartment)
- Virtues
- Conscience: 3
- Self-Control: 4
- Courage: 3
Other Traits
- Humanity: 7
- Willpower: 10
- Merits
- Blush Of Health: 2-pt
- Eat Food: 1-pt
- Languages: 4 (Native: English. Additional: French, Spanish, Greek, Latin, Italian, German, Arabic, Japanese)
- Natural Linguist: 2-pt
- Flaws
- Prestation Debt (Prince): 2-pt
- Phobia - Wasps: 2-pt
- Prey Exclusion - Children and Pregnant Women: 2-pt
Female Caucasian, Mid 20's. Shoulder length black hair, mid blue eyes. Wears neat black business clothing, white lacy shirt, and subtle occult jewelry in silver - a tiny 'cat on moon' mobile phone charm, for example. Habitually carries fashionable black leather laptop bag.
Friendlier than most Tremere to outsiders, but a willing servant of her sire by family tradition. Raised as bodyguard /human agent for sire by human parents, promoted to undead age 25 by virtue of her linguistic talent. Sardonic sense of humor. Was allergic to wasp venom in life, still has phobia of them.