Tailspins & Tiki Gods:Miscellaneous NPCs
Will fill out as need's be:
-L.G. Grayson: Pulp writer from the States. Came to Ile Trouve to get some R&R time going. His plan is to relax, crank out a ton of short stories (maybe a serial or two), then coast off of it for a few years as he sells it to the pulps. His specialty is gritty PI fiction, set in East Coast US cities. [Running bit: If you asked him to 'take down' what's going on in the campaign, he would angrily point out that he's a pulp man, not a journalist.] Hangs around the Phantasm a lot.
-Larry Kinney, Ham radio operator
Larry is just-barely-not-a-kid, hailing all the way from Hogback, North Carolina. He wanted to get as far from Hogback as he possibly could, and… he just about did it. He ran off, joined the merchant marine as a deckhand, caught passage on a tramp steamer heading around the horn, and eventually got dropped off here. He parlayed the skills he picked up (apprenticing to a ship's Radioman) into a long-term job as the town's "contact". He lives in the town’s radio shack- a simple set up with his ham rig, a cot and a few amenities. (“Compared to belowdecks on a freighter, it’s a palace.”) He makes an okay living off of a retainer from the town and fees for special work.
He’s the only game in town, communications-wise, unless you want to wait for the mail. He prefers to tap out the messages on Morse, for transmission-clarity purposes (and also that he can read French fine, but can’t really pronounce it all that well.). He’s also the official Western Union franchisee for the area (He keeps a sheaf of papers by a typewriter in his shack.)
He also handles the shipping news (there’s a chalkboard of incoming freighters and planes by his door), important news from the mainland and Papeete (he’s been “Town Crier” on rare occasion), and handles some business for the Port Authority and local concerns. A lot of the time, he’s well aware that what he’s sending is secret. It’s in code before he gets it (numerical code) and he figures it’s just as well that he doesn’t know anything worth roughing him up over.
Personality: Larry wanted adventure, and he got it. He gets to swim with dolphins (when he can make the time), make eyes with Polynesian wahinis (when he can work up the nerve) and meet people from around the world (mostly on his ham rig).
While he’s not much of a civic figure in Port Cochere (‘Send this message.” “Right away!”), he’s something of a minor celebrity in the Ham world- being an ultra-rare “catch” in the game of “contact the station-head”. He loves his [rig][http: //www.radioblvd.com/ hammarlund_super_pro.htm]. It’s his most valued possession. He loves it so much that he can barely complain that he’s essentially tied to it. He's friendly enough, but not super-social (having to be shouting distance from the radio most of the time puts a damper on that). If he trusts a kid from town (Song, among others), he'll let them deliver messages for money.