The World Tree/Muriel

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Muriel is known as the god of hunting or god of the hunt. He is pictured as a tiger or a tiger's head on a humans body, with skin that is camouflaged to its surroundings and holding a sling. Druids, barbarians, and rangers worship him within the World Tree campaign.


Muriel is said to have been formed by Ra-Orn after his creations could not survive in the harsh environment of the material plane. Muriel was tasked with making sure Ra-Orn's creations were fed, but Muriel taught some to hunt for enjoyment, leaving the kill to wither away. In a rage, Ra-Orn transformed Muriel into a tiger, and cast him out of the Feywild. Since then, Muriel teaches the lesson he learned himself and has been said to punish those who mercilessly kill and waste Ra-Orn's creations, in hopes of returning to his home in the Feywild.


Listed below is the current structure in society of worshipers of Muriel

  • Worship: Prayer over animals that have been hunted for food.
  • Holidays: Muriel is celebrated in some villages when a man becomes of age, which he would be taught the value of life and death of creatures he hunts.
  • Event: When a man becomes of age, he is sent with a mentor into the woods to hunt an animal that hunts (such as a wolf, hawk, or owlbear). The kill is brought back and the family hosts a dinner where all of the villagers eat a portion of the kill.
  • Members: Rangers and scouts are its primary members due to their profession, those who wish to serve Muriel must slay those who go against his lesson.
  • Divine Interaction: Muriel, in ancient times, would intervene on a regular basis with those who struggle or those who disrespect his lesson. In modern times, however, Muriel very rarely appears (approximately once every 100 years).