The World Tree/Ander Bonestein

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Character Summary

Ander Bonestein was born in a small town town on the outskirts of the Daerum . As a child he always played in the forest and river nearby, enjoying the outdoors and playing with the occasional Elven child. Eventually, the time came for him to grow up and he joined the military. He was in several skirmishes and attacks, though never permanently injured.

During his time in the military, Ander met a Paladin who had joined to defend the cities due to his Oath. Ander found this to be a great idea, but didn't quite agree with the oath ideals. So, after the war, he joined the local temple to learn more about becoming a Paladin. In time, he came to realize he would rather swear an oath to protect the beauty and laughter in the world rather than anything else. Having been in war and seen what havoc it could wreck on people and their lives, he thought it would allow him the most freedom as a Paladin.

After swearing his oath, Ander went into the forests to live for a time to become closer to nature and his chosen god, Ra-Orn. Eventually Kelvarlond allowed him to stay with them, allowing him to learn from them what they felt was acceptable for a human to learn. Although they gave him more freedom than most humans due to his oath and connection with Ra-Orn, they still guarded some secrets. He was still a human, after all.