The World Tree/Himo

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Revision as of 03:25, 6 June 2015 by Tank7563 (talk | contribs) (Character Summary)
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Character Summary[edit]

Himo was an Eladrin raised by a Grand Wizard named Ryner and his bodyguard named Vola. Even though Himo wasn't theirs they treated him like any mother and father would. Vola taught him how to handle a sword and shield, Ryner taught him about magic and the world around him. Himo excelled and made his adopted parents proud. One day when Himo was getting back to his house he heard the sounds of a fight. Rushing into his home he saw many creatures in black cloaks fighting with Vola. Not having a moment to think Ryner rushed to his side and shoved something into Himo's arms and ordered him to run. As he was rushing away Himo looked behind him only to see Ryner standing in the doorway casting what seemed like a massive spell. The next day he went back to see the aftermath of the attack and see if his parents survived. He found nothing but a note that said "Find a place to hide that artifact from the world. Its too powerful to let anyone have it." After that he wandered the earth trying to find a place to keep this dangerous item.

Currently, Himo is librarian of the Daerum Wizard Collge.

Player Summary[edit]

User: jonathan g. at
Character Name: Himo-Original play tester
Class: Eldritch Knight Fighter
Concept: Well meaning wizard's apprentice that's curious about the world and the people in it.

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