Orlando Hermanez Ruis
Orlando Hermanez Ruis
- Level 8 (Expert)
- XP: 128,320/200,640
- Homeworld: The Reef
- Age: 32
- Languages: English, Mandarin, Spanish
- Background & Description: Ruis is ex-Navy, a washed-out fuck-up. He drifted for a long time, and was briefly famous in a couple of systems for helping rescue some hydrogen miners. After that incident, he rededicated himself to actually working to become a good pilot and navigator.
He does have a little combat experience and a "souvenir"... Betty the Heavy Machine Gun.
Ruis is short, a bit stocky and seems to be constantly furrowing his eyebrows. He's never won any beauty pageants and he does display poor judgement sometimes, as well as occasional impulse control problems.
- Strength 10 [+0]
- Dexterity 14 [+1]
- Constitution 14 [+1]
- Intelligence 14 [+1]
- Wisdom 7 [-1]
- Charisma 10 [+0]
Combat Block
- Movement Rate: ?
- Hit Points: 42/42
- System Strain: 0/14
- Armor Class
- Power Armor: AC 1
- Combat Field Uniform: AC 4
- Attacks
- Mag Rifle: +3 to hit, 2d8+2 damage. Range 300/600.
- Void Carbine: +3 to hit, 2d6 damage. Range 100/300.
- Betty the HMG: +5 to hit, 3d6+1 damage. Range 500/2000.
- Betty-Suppression: -1 to hit, Save vs. Luck or take half of 3d6+1 damage. Double ammo consumption. Range 500.
- Saves
- Physical 14
- Mental 13
- Evasion 10
- Tech 9
- Luck 12
- Integral Biostatus Monitor
- SS: 0
- Description: A series of probes and filters are implanted in the subject, all designed to maintain a steady observation of the user’s physical condition and any ambient dangers. The monitor will alert the subject on exposure to any poison, pathogen, or radiation, and will identify the substance and standard treatment if it exists in the toxicological libraries. This quick identification grants a +2 on the first skill check made to treat a poison or infection. The instant diagnostic information also allows a +1 bonus on all Tech/Medtech skill checks to aid a wounded character.
- Integral Commlink
- SS: 0
- Description: A more limited version of a standard ghost talker transceiver, integral commlinks are meant to operate within a planet or ship’s ordinary communications grid. They do not func- tion in the absence of such a grid unless the user is plugged into a supplementary transmission device such as a comm server. So long as the grid is available, however, the user can place and receive calls and audiovisual recordings. Activation is through subvocalized commands.
- Spacer's Package biosculpt (from Vincent's in Tenebrous System)
- SS: 0
- Description: Essentially, you stay clean on your own. You produce no body odor, bodily excretions are minimized, you don't get dermal infections of bacteria, fungus, or yeast, no dental infections or cavities, you don't get bad breath, etc.
- Combat
- Gunnery 2
- Projectile 0
- Computer 0
- Culture
- Spacer 1
- Traveller 0
- Exosuit 0
- Navigation 3
- Religion 1
- Science 2
- Tech
- Astronautics 2
- Postech 2
- Vehicle
- Air 0
- Grav 0
- Space 3
- Armor: Power Armor AC 1
- Weapons: Betty the HMG
- Consumables: Glowbugs x 5
- Gear: Compad
- Weapons: None
- Consumables: 3 days food/water, 5 belts of ammo for Betty
- Gear: MetaTool, Dataslab
- Armor: Power Armor AC 1
- Weapons: Mag Rifle
- Consumables: Glowbugs x5, 4 clips for Mag Rifle
- Gear: Compad
- Weapons: None
- Consumables: 5 days food/water
- Gear: Postech Toolkit, Dataslab, Type A power cell (x6) bundle
- Armor: Power Armor AC 1
- Weapons: Void Carbine
- Consumables: Glowbugs x5, 4 clips for Void Carbine
- Gear: Compad
- Weapons: None
- Consumables: 3 days food/water, 2 clips for Void Carbine
- Gear: Postech Toolkit, Dataslab, Type A power cell (x6) bundle
• Power Armor with integral TL 4 night vision and other fancies (2/0) • TL 4 Navcomp (1/0) • Vacc suit (?/0) • Glowbugs x 10 (0/0) • A Power Cell x 6 (1/0) • B Power Cell x 2 (1/0) • Toolkit/Astronautic (3/0) • Toolkit/Postech (3/0) • Compad (0/0) • Dataslab (1/0) • Combat field uniform (0/0) • Metatool (1/0) • Lobsterman HoloProjector (4/0) • Mag Rifle (1/500) • Void Carbine (1/400) • Mag Pistol (1/0) • Ammunition/Mag Rifle - 20 magazines of 10 (10/100) • Ammunition/Void Carbine - 20 magazines of 10 (10/100) • Ammunition/Mag Pistol - 20 magazines of 6 (6/60) • 10 units of Trade Goods (10/500) • 10 units of Trade Metals (10/100) • 10 days standard rations/water reserves (10/100**) • Mount for Betty (0/10000)
- Credits: 117,040
- Credit Chips Carried: 20,0000
- Electronic Credits Carried: 20,0000
- Stowed: 30,000
- (Deposit A):
- (Deposit B):
- (If your character personally owns chunks of a planet or business or something, list it here)
- (If you have some other big thing, list it here)
- (Custom cars, mecha, whatever)