Pekka Takala
- a hunter of Finnish descent. 40, bearded, dirty and not the most talkative of souls. He lives at the end of a dirt track in a ramshackle house with his wife Pam, dogs, a beat up pickup and more traps and snares than you can shake an Opossum at.
- Owns two rifles and a shotgun: a .22LR (Marlin 39A) for small game, a Deer rifle(Marlin 336C), and a Mossberg 835 Ulti-Mag (waterfowl edition). Sells the meat and skins and for the most part lives off the land. Poaches when he has to. His house has what you'd expect for someone who lives outdoors for most of his life.
- STR 2
- DEX 2
- CON 2
- INT 2
- PER 2
- WILL 2
- LP 29
- End 26
- Speed 8
- Essence 13
- Acute sight 2
- Situational awareness 2
- Hard to kill 1
- Acute Hearing 2*
- Prejudice 1#
- Humourless 1#
- Status -3*
- Craft: Moonshine 2#
- Drive 1
- First aid 3
- Guns: Rifle 4
- Hand weapon Knife 2
- Notice 4
- Pilot boat 2
- Stealth 4
- survival woodland 5
- Swimming 2*
- Throwing 2
- Tracking 4
- Traps 4
- Rifles and shotgun.
- Ammunition
- Big Knife
- Pickup Truck
- Hunting dogs
- Camping Gear
- Hunting/Fishing gear
- Lantern
- Boat
- Generators
- Whiskey still