Arlak Earthspeaker Vaimei-Laga
A character in the POA_PBP Princes of the Apocalypse campaign.
Arlak Earthspeaker Vaimei-Laga[edit]
- Class: Monk (Elemental) 6
- Race: Goliath
- Alignment: Lawful Neutral
- Background: Hermit
- Proficiency Bonus: +3
- XP: 10,500
Personality and History[edit]
An apprentice shaman of her clan, Arlak has left the high mountains to follow her dreams.
- Personality:
- Ideal:
- Bond: I must destroy the evil that I have seen in my dreams
- Flaw:
- STR 14 (+2)
- DEX 17 (+3)
- CON 14 (+2)
- INT 10 (+0)
- WIS 14 (+2)
- CHA 8 (-1)
(* = proficiency)
- STR +5*
- DEX +6*
- CON +2
- INT +0
- WIS +2
- CHA -1
- Athletics +5
- History +3
- Religion +3
- Insight +5
- Medicine +5
Tools and Languages[edit]
- Drums
- Herbalism kit
- Common, Giant, Primordial
- Ritual Caster, Druid
Traits and Abilities[edit]
- Racial Traits
- Stone's Endurance: 1d12+2 damage reduction 1*rest
- Powerful Build: Count as Large for carrying capacity, pushing, dragging and lifting
- Mountain Born: Acclimatised to high altitude and cold climates
- Class Traits
- Class Proficiency: Simple weapons, short swords
- Unarmoured defence
- Martial Arts (Dex instead of str for monk weapons+unarmed, +1 bonus unarmmed strike a round)
- Ki (Flurry of blows, Patient Defence, Step of the wind)
- Unarmoured movement
- Deflect missiles (Reaction to reduce missile damage by 1d10+9. If damage = 0 can spend a Ki to throw it back)
- Slow fall (Reduce falling damage by 25 points)
- Stunning strike (1 ki to attempt stun opponent for 1 round)
- Elemental attunement
- Earth Tremor (2 ki)
- Background Traits
- Discovery: Has discovered some esoteric and potentially dangerous knowledge
- HP: 45/45
- Hit Dice: 6/6 (1d10+2)
- AC: 15 (10 + Dex modifier + Wisdom modifier)
- Initiative: +3
- Movement: 45'
- Attack: Spear (+6, 1d6/1d8+3 (1h/2h))
- Attack: Unarmed (1d6+3, +6, counts as magical)
Equipment and Treasure[edit]
- Spear
- Medium sized ritual drums
- Explorer's pack
- Backpack
- Bedroll
- Tinderbox
- 10 torches
- 10 days of rations
- Waterskin
- 50' hemp rope
- 2xGreater healing potions (4d4+4?)
- 2xstandard healing potions (2d4+2)
- Mess kit
- Draft Horse
- Tack for horse (riding saddle+bridle)
- Sling + 100 bullets
- Common clothes
- Winter blanket
- Herbalism kit
- Spellbook - a collection of small sacred objects used to cast the ritual spells
- Somewhere between 40 and 50 gp left
- Spell attack: +5
- Spell DC: 13
- Ki: 6 (Max per spell = 3)
- 2 Ki
- Earth tremor (10' PBAoE. vs Dex, fail = 1d6 damage+prone. Loose earth or Stone becomes difficult terrain. +1 Ki = +1d6)
- Flying Boulder Strike (3d10B and 20' push and prone at 30' vs Str, success = half damage + no push or prone. +1ki = +1d10)
- Ritual
- Speak with animals
- Purify food and drink