POA Aldar Dustriven
A character in the POA_PBP Princes of the Apocalypse campaign.
Aldar Dustriven[edit]
- Class: Wizard (Conjurer) 5
- Race: Human
- Alignment: Lawful Good
- Background: Folk Hero
- Proficiency Bonus: +3
- Experience: 18500/14000
- 6500 (start)
- 4000 (OOC 408)
- 4000 (OOC 598)
- 4000 (OOC 830)
Personality and History[edit]
Aldar defended the Stone Bridge from the marauders, and now he is uncomfortable with his new status as a local hero.
- Defining Event: I led a militia to fight off an invading army
- Personality: If someone is in trouble, I’m always ready to lend help.
- Ideal: Humility - the fruit that grows too big is the one to get picked and eaten.
- Bond: I protect those who cannot protect themselves.
- Flaw: Secretly, I believe that things would be better if I were a tyrant lording over the land.
- STR 10 (+0)
- DEX 14 (+2)
- CON 14 (+2)
- INT 18 (+4)
- WIS 12 (+1)
- CHA 8 (-1)
(* = proficiency)
- STR +0
- DEX +2
- CON +5*
- INT +7*
- WIS +4*
- CHA -1
- Athletics +3
- Animal Handling +4
- Survival +4
- Arcana +7
- Religion +7
Weapons, Tools and Languages[edit]
- Glassmaker's Artisan Tool Proficiency
- Wagon Proficiency
- Fishing Tackle Proficiency
- Glaive Proficiency
- Dagger, Dart, Sling, Quarterstaff, Light Crossbow
- Common, Giant
Traits and Abilities[edit]
- Class Traits
- Class Proficiency: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows
- Ritual Casting: Don't need to have spell prepared to cast it as a ritual
- Spellcasting Focus: Can use arcane focuses
- Arcane Recovery: Regain 3 levels of spell slots after a short rest
- Arcane Tradition: School of Conjuration
- Conjuration Savant: Half gold and time to scribe conjuration spells
- Minor Conjuration: Create temporary inanimate objects smaller than 3'/10 lbs
- Benign Conjuration: Use action to teleport 30', or switch places with willing target
- Background Traits
- Rustic Hospitality: Can find a place to hide/rest/recuperate amongst commoners
- Spell Sniper feat
- Double range on spells that require attack roll
- Ranged spell attacks ignore half and three-quarters cover
- HP: 38/38
- Hit Dice: 6/6
- AC: 12 (Dex +2), or 15 using Mage Armor
- Initiative: +2
- Movement: 30'
- Attack: Glaive, +3 to hit, 1d10 slashing, reach
- Attack: Dagger, +5 to hit, 1d4+2 piercing
- Attack: Dagger (thrown), 20'/60' range, +5 to hit, 1d4+2 piercing
Equipment and Treasure[edit]
Encumbrance: 35 lbs (55 lbs / 110 lbs/ 165 lbs)
- Set of traveler's clothes - 4 lb
- Glaive - 6 lbs
- Dagger - 1 lb
- Component pouch - 2 lbs
- Belt pouch - 1 lb, carrying 0.5 lbs out of 6 lbs
- 27 gp, 3 sp - about 0.5 lbs
- 10 pieces of chalk - 0 lbs
- Explorer’s pack - 5 lbs, carrying 15.5 lbs out of 30 lbs
- Spellbook - 3 lbs
- 1 potion of healing - 0.5 lbs
- 1 flask oil - 1 lb
- 1 Blanket - 3 lb
- 10 Candles - 0 lbs
- 1 Fishing tackle - 4 lb
- 1 Ink bottle - 0 lb
- 1 Map case - 1 lb
- 5 sheets paper - 0 lb
- Healer's Kit - 3 lbs
- Riding horse - 75 gp, carrying 63 lbs
- Riding saddle - 25 lbs
- Saddlebags - 8 lbs, carrying 24 lbs out of 30 lbs
- Set of common clothes - 3 lbs
- Set of glassmaker's tools - 5 lbs
- Iron pot - 10 lbs
- Bit and bridle - 1 lb
- Shovel - 5 lbs
- Spell attack: +7
- Spell DC: 15
Spells in bold have their range doubled
- Cantrips (Unlimited)
- Fire Bolt -- 2d10 fire damage
- Ray of Frost -- 2d8 cold damage and reduces target's speed by 10'
- Create Bonfire -- 2d8 fire damage
- Mage Hand -- move light objects
- Prestidigitation -- minor magical effects
- 1st level (4/ 4 slots per day)
- Sleep (prepared) -- knock 5d8 hit points of creatures unconscious (PHB pg 123)
- Magic Missile (prepared) -- 3d6+3 force damage, automatically hits (PHB pg 456)
- Ice Knife (prepared) -- 1d10 piercing, then 5' burst doing 2d6 cold damage
- Grease
- Shield -- reaction: +5 AC for the round (PHB pg 123)
- Mage Armor (prepared) -- Creates AC 13 armor
- Detect Magic -- ritual: detects presence of magic
- Tenser's Floating Disk -- ritual:
- 2nd level (3 / 3 slots per day)
- Web (prepared) -- 20' AE, Dex save or restrained, Str check to break free, flammable (PHB pg 123)
- Gust of Wind -- 60'x10' line of strong wind forcing movement
- Flaming Sphere (prepared) -- 2d6 fire damage to anyone adjacent, can be moved later
- Misty Step (prepared) -- bonus action: teleport 30'
- 3rd level (3 / 3 slots per day)
- Counterspell (prepared) -- counter a spell being cast
- Wall of Water -- create a wall 30'x10'x1' or 20' diameter, 30' high, 1' thick circle of difficult terrain.
- Tidal Wave (prepared) -- 4d8 bludgeoning damage and knock targets prone in 30'x10'x10' zone.
- Lightning Bolt (prepared) -- 8d6 lightning damage in 100'x5' line
- Water Breathing -- ritual:
- Leomund's Tiny Hut -- ritual