Main page for the Princes of the Apocalypse PBP, a 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons campaign.
IC and OOC Threads
Dramatis Personae
- Aldar Dustriven, Human Wizard 6
- Ferum Guthead, Dwarf Fighter 6 58/58 hp
- Arturo Galeheart, Half-Elf Bard 6
- Arlak Earthspeaker Vaimei-Laga, Goliath Monk 6
- Osborne Leafcrop, Lightfoot Halfling Cleric 6
Loot Carried
- Aldar: 37gp, scrolls from Riverguard Keep (Haste, Wall of Water), books from Riverguard Keep (250 gp, 30 lbs), scrolls of Hold Person and Erupting Earth
- Ferum: 150gp bracelet, holy symbol, healing potion, 200 gp of gems from Riverguard Keep
- Arturo: Dwareven history book, Mask, Onyxes, triangle thingy, several insignia from dead guys., green potion from Riverguard keep, books from Earth cult monastery (400 gp), jeweled book about Fane of Elemental Eye (100 gp for gems)
- Arlak: Ledger, velvet pouch from Riverguard Keep, 600 gp, 450 sp
Combat Status Summary
- Ferum, Fighter, 49/49 HP, 5/5 hit dice
- Galeheart, Bard, 39/39 HP, 6/6 hit dice
- Aldar Dustriven, Wizard, 27/38 HP, 5/6 hit dice, 3/4 L1 spells, 2/3 L2 spells, 0/3 L3 spells
- Arlak Earthspeak, Monk, 20/45 HP, 6/6 hit dice, 3/6 Ki
- Osborne Leafcrop, Cleric; 39/39 HP, 6/6 hit dice; 3/3 L1 spells, 3/3 L2 spells, 2/3 L3 spells; 2/2 Channel Divinity
Resource Links
Elemental Evil Player's Companion
Combat Maps
- Cairn Road
- Riverguard Keep
- Riverguard Keep -- Second Floor
- Tomb of Moving Stones
- Wagonworks Fight
- Sacred Stone Monastery
Standard Operating Procedures
- 2x2x1 Marching Order
- Front rank: Ferum & Goliath
- Middle rank: Aldar & Galeheart
- Rear rank: Osborne
- 2x3 Marching Order
- Front rank: Ferum & Goliath
- Rear rank: Aldar & Galeheart & Osborne
- Single file Marching Order
- Ferum
- Galeheart
- Aldar
- Goliath
- Osborne
- Reaction SOP
- Aldar Dustriven will cast Shield when hit by an attack when the spell is prepared.
- Arturo Galeheart will use Cutting Words to stop an attack if someone is about to take a big or serious hit
- Arlak Earthspeaker will
- Use deflect missile against the first missile attack that would hit in the round; If a throwback is possible (both has a spare Ki and damage is reduced to 0) will target her current target or the shooter if she's not yet in combat
- Use Stone's Endurance against an attack that would otherwise drop her to 0 hp
- Osborn will:
- Hide behind a (M) party member whenever possible
- Use Channel Divinvisibility if the danger warrants it
- cast Blessing of the Trickster (advantage Stealth on another PC) on a suitable friendly target whenever appropriate
- Watch SOP
- Aldar (Dusk)
- Osborne
- Ferum
- Galeheart
- Arlak (Dawn)
- Door SOP
- Room SOP
House Rules
- Character Generation
- Standard array (15 14 13 12 10 8 in any order BEFORE racial adjustments)
- Fixed hit points (max hit die + Con at first level, rounded up average hit die + Con every other level)
- 5th level
- 1000gp, starting gear from your class, no starting magic items.
- Greater Healing Potions 250gp, Spell Scrolls 250gp / spell level
- Unrestricted classes and races.
- Feats -- when you would normally gain a feat from gaining a level, you may select from (+2 attributes AND a feat) OR (+2 attributes AND proficiency in any combination of 3: skills, saves, or tools).
- Resting changes -- short rests unchanged, long rests restore variable amounts of hit points, hit dice, and spells depending on how comfortable the PCs are (night at the inn? full. cave under siege by demons? low)
- Reaction changes -- characters who are of "unusual" races or classes (as defined by the group they are interacting with) may suffer reaction penalties. Basically, suspicious townsfolk don't cotton to half-devil warlocks. Or elves, because no one likes elves.
Brother Eardon, a priest of Lathander staying at the Swinging Sword, says the Mirabarans passed through Beliard.
Endrith Vallivoe recently came by a beautiful book in Dwarvish and has been showing it off -- it looks quite old and important.
Larmon Greenboot, a shepherd, says he found strange new graves out in the Sumber Hills.
Thorsk Thelorn's wagoneering shop has had some strange new customers lately.