Rats & Mice & Hamsters
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Background History and Notes[edit]
- The character might be descended from evolved lab mice, ship's rats, or even someone's pet Hamster.
- Rats are sneaky, sly, and tough, preferring slicked hair and an outfit as sharp as a scalpel; they are also obsessive about hygiene, and mostly solitary.
- Mice are short and spry as youth, and get more rotund as they get older. They're more social than rats, as hygienic and meticulous about grooming, but far less fashion conscious.
- Gerbils and hamsters fit into the descriptive of mice, but are heftier than mice and more gregarious than rats.
- All species like shiny baubles, a good nap, a 'nest', or private hidey-hole, and tend towards the technical vocations requiring manual dexterity.
Max Stats[edit]
- Agility / 6
- Dexterity / 7
- Strength / 4
- Perception / 7
- Intelligence / 5
- Willpower / 6
Special Abilities[edit]
- Awareness/1, Stealth/1
- Sneaky bastards, the lot of 'em.
- As fanatical as rattus sapiens or mus sapiens are about grooming, mirrors and other broad reflective surfaces freak them out, forcing a Cool check.
- A failure means the character goes into defensive mode and attempts to neutralize their doppleganger, by force, if necessary.