Brienne of Toulouse
Brienne of Toulouse
Game: ArsMagicalGirl
The younger sister of Franseza de Merinita. Unwomanly in size and appearance, and with martial interests, she followed her sister into the Order's orbit, receiving martial training and then command. She was devastated when her sister became a faerie and disappeared, and has attached herself to Symeon and her niece, Audrey.
Their well-off family is not pleased about losing both daughters to the Order, and might make a claim on Audrey.
Int 0 Per 1 Str 3 Sta 1 Pre -2 Com 1 Dex 0 Qik 1 Size +1 Age 28 Affinity with Single Weapon Large Custos Puissant Single Weapon Relic Black Sheep Pious (minor) Transvestite Occitan 5 390 xp, or 78 points Athletics 3 (6) Carouse 2 (3) Chirurgy 1 (1) Leadership 5 (15) Folk Ken 3 (6) Guile 2 (3) Ride 3 (6) Survival 2 (3) Swim 3 (6) Single Weapon 6+2 (15) Bows 4 (10) Latin 2 (3) Order of Hermes Lore 1 (1)