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Game: ArsMagicalGirl

Rachel is Jewish and a native of Beziers, surviving the massacre of 1209. Fed up with anti-Semitism but refusing to convert, she fled her people for the relative safety of the Order. In truth, she may have never liked people that much; at any rate, she was trained in hunting and scouting, and has followed Brienne to the new covenant.

Characteristics: Int 0, Per +2, Pre -1, Com 0, Str 0, Sta 1, Dex +2, Qik +1

Size: 0

Age: 22

Virtues and Flaws: Covenfolk, Warrior, Wilderness Sense, Pessimistic, Disfigured (facial scars)

Personality: Brave +2, Loyal +2, Pessimistic -2

Combat: Short Bow (Init -2 (Qik-Enc-1), Att +9 (Dex+Bow+3), Def +5 (Qik+Bow+0), Dam +6; Range 15)

Soak: +3 (Armor, Stamina)

Fatigue: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious

Wound: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incap (16-20)

Abilities: Pyrenees Lore 4 (game trails), Athletics 2 (climbing), Awareness 4 (woodlands), Bows 4 (shooting from cover) (plus 20 xp), Hunt 5 (deer), Occitan 5 (Judaica), Stealth 3 (Hunting), Survival 3 (woodlands), Wilderness Sense 3 (weather)

Equip: partial heavy leather, short bow, survival kit

Enc: 2 (2)