Symeon's wife, stepmother of Audrey, innkeeper and Autocrat.
Int +2 Per +1 Str -2 Sta -2 Prs +3 Com +3 Dex +0 Qik -2 Covenfolk, Educated, Social Contacts, Inspirational Motion Sickness, Busybody, Small frame Perfectionist +2, Inspirational +2, Loyal +2 Age 28 Area Lore (Normandy) 2 (Reputations) Area Lore (Codalet) 2 (The people) Organisation Lore (Covenant) 2 (Grogs) Organisation Lore (Church) 1 (Nuns) Language (Northern French) 5 (Literature) Language (Occitan) 4 (Gossip) Latin 3 (Hermetic usage) Awareness 2 (Detecting sneaking) Artes Liberalis 2 (Arithmetic) Bargain 3 (Buying sundries) Carouse 2 (Travelers) Charm 3 (First Impressions) Civil and Canon Law 1 (Taxes) Etiquette 2 (Servants) Folk Ken 3 (Covenfolk) Guile 2 (Hiding feelings) Intrigue 1 (Gossip) Leadership 3 (Covenfolk) Theology 1 (Biblical stories) Profession (Innkeeping) 2 (Waiting on guests) Profession (Chamberlin) 4 (Covenants) Profession (Steward) 3 (Settling Disputes) Craft (Cook) 1 (Cooking for guests)