Abu Yusuf, the Hermit

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Basic Stats

Characteristics: Int +3, Per +2, Pre +3, Com +1, Str -2, Sta 0, Dex 0, Qik -3
Size: 0
Age: Claims to be more than 100 years old. Apparent age 45-50
Decrepitude: Unknown
House: Jerbiton
Flaws: Unknown
Virtues: Unknown
Personality Traits: Reputation (Wise) +3
Appearance: Abu Yusuf is a graying, thick-bodied moor of middling height with short-cropped hair and a neatly-trimmed salt-and-pepper beard. He wears simple clothes of high quality and is never seen without his manservant Xavier, toward whom he shows great respect and deference in interaction. Abu Yusuf prefers tan, beige or sandy-colored clothing as he claims it reminds him of his native Algeria, and rarely wears adornments other than a thick golden ring on his middle left finger and a brightly-colored amulet of exotic design inlaid with elaborate islamic script. Abu Yusuf is highly-educated and is considered a scholar of great repute in his native land, coming to magic somewhat late and never quite giving up the trappings of his former life. He is a devout Musselman and often acts as a representative of the various enclaves of muslims in the region around Perpignan when not pursuing his supernatural interests.

Known Abilities (filled in as discovered)

Arabic 5
Area Lore (Catalan) 5
Animal Ken 3
Artes Liberales 7
Awareness 5
Canon Law (Islam) 5
Catalan 4
Dominion Lore 4
Etiquette 4
Faerie Lore 2
French (Langue d'Oc) 4
Hermes Lore 5
Latin 5
Magic Lore 5
Medicine 3
Philosophiae 4
Theology (Sufism) 5


Abu Yusuf is known to be a reasonably powerful magus in the techniques of Rego and Muto, also specializing in the Mentem and Imaginem forms. From his outward appearance and claims of age, is it also presumed that his abilities with the arts of Creo and Corporem are not insignificant.
