Scatterpoint:Martin Marty Jones

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Revision as of 08:30, 28 August 2015 by (talk) (Martin "Marty" Jones)
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Martin "Marty" Jones[edit]

Fate Points: 5

Refresh Rate: 3

Stress: O (1) O (2) O (3)

Consequences: Mild (2) Moderate (4) Severe (6)


High Concept: Carefree Electrical Engineer Who Just Wants His Paycheck

Trouble: He Has Nothing To Wish For

Aspect: Knows Enough To Get Into Trouble

Aspect: I Saw This In a Movie Once...

Aspect: Apple's Latest Smartphone With All the Right Apps


Good (+3): Clever

Fair (+2): Careful, Flashy

Average (+1): Quick, Sneaky

Mediocre (+0): Forceful


Action Hero: Because I am a cinephile (and hopelessly out of my league), I get a +2 when I Flashily Create an Advantage to aid or rescue one of my friends in combat.

Electrical Engineer: Because I am an Electrical Engineer, I get a +2 when I Cleverly Overcome Obstacles using my electrical background.

Ghostly Wi-Fi: Because of a strange connection to my home world, once per session my smartphone can connect to a strange wi-fi signal allowing access to an internet's worth of knowledge.

Invokes and Compels[edit]

Carefree Electrical Engineer Who Just Wants His Paycheck

Invoke: To put technical, yet practical engineer knowledge to use.

Compel: Mostly a normal guy, no magic or cybernetics. Gets squashed easily.

He Has Nothing To Wish For

Invoke: To push Marty to discover why Umbriel chose him.

Compel: To exploit Marty's fear that he was chosen for no good reason at all.

Knows Enough To Get Into Trouble

Invoke: A jack of all trades aspect. Marty has a little bit of knowledge of almost any field he's had time to study.

Compel: Half-understandings of technical topics can have disastrous results.

I Saw This In a Movie Once...

Invoke: To perform cinematic stunts (that Marty is physically capable of). I think Marty will turn out to be unexpectedly brave.

Compel: To mislead Marty in thinking he knows how the strangeness of Scatterpoint works. Don't cut the red wire! You can't eat that!

Apple's Latest Smartphone With All the Right Apps

Invoke: To crunch numbers, check offline data, or take pictures.

Compel: Phones need power, they don't work underwater, and I cannot replace a broken screen easily.