Scatterpoint:Barakian Flare

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Barakian Flare

Fate Points: 3

Refresh Rate: 3

Stress: O (1) O (2) O (3)

Consequences: Mild (2) Moderate (4) Severe (6)


High Concept: Priest of the Order of the Phoenix and Scion of Vulcan

Trouble: Quick to Anger, Mercurial and Willful

Aspect: Armaments of Flame

Aspect: Enchanted Forgemaster

Aspect: Divine Ancestry


Good (+3): Clever

Fair (+2): Flashy, Forceful

Average (+1): Quick, Sneaky

Mediocre (+0): Careful


Conviction: Because Barakian believes strongly in the rightness of his actions, he gains a +2 when Cleverly creating advantages using his spells.

Mighty: Because Barakian has trained at the forge since he was a youth bending metal to his will, he receives a +2 when attempting to Forcefully overcome physical challenges of strength.

Divine Scion: Because Barakian is a Scion of Vulcan, once per game session he may call upon the God to assist him in an endeavor in whatever way the God sees fit.

Invokes and Compels

Priest of the Order of the Phoenix

​Permissions - He can perform painful but ultimately purifying healing spells, cast painful fiery harming spells and use the flames to divine the truth of things. He otherwise has fairly standard priestly abilities including blessing and banishing.

​Invoke – healing, curing, harming, divining, blessing, banishing

​Compel – Follow the correct rite, what is the will of the Phoenix, draw the ire of beings of darkness ​

Quick to Anger, Mercurial and Willful

​Invoke – Strong willed, believes in self and conviction that his actions at any given time are the correct ones…

​Compel – …even when they are not. His belief in the correct course of action can change at a moment’s notice and somehow both actions were and are correct. Fire does not think, it does; it does not regret what has passed; fire consumes and from that comes new life, which in turn is consumed and reborn. ​

Armaments of Flame

​Permissions – Armed with a Rod of Fiery Command, he can launch fiery metal bullets and command fire. The rod is 3' of thick rune-carved iron and is a formidable melee weapon. He also wears four pieces of plate armor (greaves and vambraces) which he forged and enchanted himself; these offer him some measure of protection against other items made of metal.

​Invoke – Command fire, shoot bullets, waffle unbelievers, protect self and allies

​Compel – That is cold, worse yet that is wet!

Enchanted Forgemaster

​Permissions – With the knowledge of forging and enchanting items of metal, he can identify the quality, strengths, weaknesses and materials used to craft such an item as well as have a chance to identify any unusual properties of these items. Given time and materials, he can also craft mundane and possibly magical items of metal.

​Invoke – identify metal items, forge metal items, enchant metal items

​Compel – Let me see that, how interesting, let me tell you about…

Divine Ancestry

​Permissions – As a scion of Vulcan, his heritage renders him immune to the effects of fire and heat. It also allows him to create and quench fires, although for full command of the fire he must invoke the power of his Rod of Fiery Command.

​Invoke – Fire can’t hurt me, that’s not fire THIS IS FIRE, your time is not now fire, Vulcan help me!

​Compel – The fire must be allowed to burn, draw the ire of enemies of Vulcan.