MTH:Transitory Conditions

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You are nearly uncontrollable in your anger. All Composure rolls are reduced to a change die. Attacks you make which are All-Out Attacks have the 9-again quality.

Possible Causes: Harm to something cherished. An exceptional success on an attempt to get you mad. A dramatic failure on an attempt to influence you in a positive way.

Resolution: Fail an important roll due to this Condition. Cause harm to something important. A scene passes after gaining the Condition. If appropriate, the character may take on the Obsessed condition related to a vendetta sparked by whatever caused this condition.


You are a wellspring of calm. Composure rolls you make have the 9-again quality. Attempts to harsh your mellow are reduced to a chance die.

Possible Causes: Exceptional success in meditation, sex, or a calming performance.

Resolution: Take a lethal level of damage. Gain any emotional condition other than Joyful. Harm or aggravation done in your vicinity. Alternatively, you may spend this condition as if it was a willpower point.


Innocent happiness swells within you.

Possible Causes: Exceptional success on any roll that does not focus on harm or damage.

Resolution: Take a lethal level of damage. Gain any negative emotional condition other. Harm or aggravation done in your vicinity. Alternatively, you may spend this condition as if it was a willpower point.


You are filled with regret, mournfulness, or general sadness about something specific.

Possible Causes: Breaking Point (may replace Guilty where applicable), Dramatic Failure with meaningful consequences, rejection, seriously regrettable actions.

Resolution: Preform restitution in some fashion. Do something self-destructive. Learn something that negates the cause.