The World Tree/Kusha

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The northern most continent of the four, Kusha is known as the "land of merchants" within the World Tree campaign. Based loosely off of ancient middle eastern culture, the landscape is primarily comprised of desert and coastal landscapes with grasslands along the Ethirian border. Predominant races in this region include in order of population size: Humans, Tieflings, Half-elfs, Aarakocra, and Half-orcs. All other races are part of an extreme minority due to climate and emphasis on social values.

Kusha is divided between three areas, known as New haven, the Shade Lands, and the Tan Sheng Flats. These areas hold different ecological differences from one another but each are loosely under the rule of the capitol.

New haven[edit]

Located west of the Tallaia Mountains, New Haven is the most recent acquisition of Kusha, after signing a peace treaty with the Aarakocran tribes that dwell within the mountains. After discovering land west of the mountains, New Haven has become the frontier for trade and produce, dealing with many unique situations of their own. This area is teeming with rivers, natural minerals, and coastal lands, but struggles to survive due to poor farm ground, dangerous beasts, and some hostile Aarakocran tribes, who refuse to allow "outsiders" to settle there.

Shade Lands[edit]

Located centrally of the country, the Shade Lands holds the largest expanse of desert region in the area, with villages and settlements working together to survive in the hostile lands. Holding the capitol of Kusha, this land is rich with trade from distant lands, skilled craftsmen, and unique agriculture. Life here is difficult, but the Shade Lands hold a hardy people that hold teamwork and acceptance as their highest ideas. Where villages and settlements may be safe from the elements, this land struggles with traveling and caravans, losing many to the harsh storms, lack of water, and ferocious desert beasts.

Tan Sheng Flats[edit]

Located east of the Tajzina Mountains, the Tan Sheng Flats is a land formerly under its own rule, uniting with Kusha for its unique trade and goods. These flats return an oasis from the harsh lands of Kusha with the settlements within housing a paradise far from the ways of the growing powers. The Tan Sheng Flats hold unique architecture, coastal lands, and peaceful people, sharing and giving to one another as equals. This "paradise", however, does not come without its flaws. The people are kind but ignorant to the ways of manipulation and corruption, with the Jinchou woods said to hold great evils yet to be banished from their lands. The settlements require their own protection, usually housing monks or priests armed with combat and magic to protect them. This protection, however, is based within ancient studies, easily stopped by modern inventions and tools.

Points of Interest[edit]

Kingdom Map[edit]

Map of Kusha
Map of Kusha