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History and Mythology


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History and Mythology


What sort of natural resources are there?

1: Strictly ones found on Earth: wood, iron, marble, etc.
2: Mostly mundane resources, but there are one or two unusual and special ones as well - orichalcum, magic crystals, never-cooling lava, whatever.
3: Mundane resources exist, but they also have magical versions scattered about - iron has cold iron deposits mixed in, there are "dryad oak" trees that are unusually tough/self-regenerating, and so on.
4: There are mundane resources and a whole bunch of special resources that aren't necessarily tied to a mundane type - all of the examples from 2, and more, can be found and utilized.
5: There are mundane resources, magical variants of them, and non-variant special resources.
6: There's no such thing as "mundane" resources - every material has some potential magical properties: iron naturally damages fey and inhibits magic, ice contains spirits of cold that can be unleashed to freeze an area, oak wood can absorb blood and grow to heal itself, and so forth.

What is the state of seafaring and maritime trade?

Politics and Society


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