A character in the Morgansfort campaign.
- Human Fighter 1
- XP: 792/2000
- Attributes
- STR 12 (+0)
- INT 8 (-1)
- WIS 7 (-1)
- DEX 9 (+0)
- CON 7 (-1)
- CHA 3 (-3)
- Languages: Common (semi-literate)
- Racial Abilities: Fast learner (+10% XP)
- Class Abilities: n/a
- Combat
- HP: 2/6
- AC: 15
- Two-Handed Sword +1, 1d10 Damage
- Hand Axe +1, 1d6 Damage. 10/20/30.
- Move: 20'
- Saving Throws:
- Death/Poison 12 (13 poison)
- Wands 13
- Paralysis/Stone 14
- Dragon Breath 15
- Spells 17 (18 illusion/charm)
- Equipment: (58/60)
- Armor: Chain Mail (40)
- Weapons: Two-Handed Sword (10), Hand Axe (5)
- Gear: clothing (common outfit) (1), backpack, 2 belt pouches, waterskin (2)
- Treasure: 3 gp
Likes to hit things with his sword; wants to be told what to do