A character in Other Dust - The Commonwealth
Personal Information
- Name: Whistler (Eden 12E)
- Class: Slayer
- Level: 1 (0/2000)
- Background: Hunter
- Training: Tribal Champion
Core Statistics
- 08 STR (+1)
- 13 INT
- 15 WIS (+1)
- 14 DEX (+2)
- 09 CON (+1)
- 12 CHR
Vital Stats
- HP: 7
- AC: 2
- 12 Phys
- 15 Ment
- 13 Evade
- 16 Tech
- 14 Luck
- Attack Bonus: +2
- Knife (melee): +4 to hit, 1d4+1
- Knife (thrown): +4 to hit, 1d4, 6/9 range
- Breechloading Rifle (ranged): +4 to hit, 1d10+2, 200/400 range, 1/20
Red Hand: Once per fight, you may use this skill before rolling your attack. You will hit your target on anything but a natural 1 on the hit roll. This ability can only be used when you are trying to kill someone, and will not work with nonlethal attacks or mere trick shooting.
Class Skills:
- Athletics 0
- Combat/Primitive 1
- Combat/Projectile 0
- Leadership 0
- Stealth 0
- Tactics 0
Non-class Skills:
- Culture/Enclave 0
- Instructor 0
- Survival 0
- Link Implant
Ready 4/4
- Terran Explorer Suit [Perfect] (0)
- Knife [Perfect] (1)
- Breechloading Rifle [] (2)
- low-light goggles, TL3 (1)
Stored 14/8
- crude backpack (1)
- 20 bullets (1)
- 7 days food & water (10)
- magnetic compass (1)
- utility tarp (1)
- water filter (1)
Eden whistles when she has something in her sights and means to take to down. She's not even aware she's doing it. It grates on the nerves, but if it helps her end things that need to be ended, so be it. The Instructors would have edged the habit out of her if it was a problem, but all they've said about Whistler is that she's cleared as a Hunter for the enclave.