TOTE:Character Creation

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Revision as of 14:50, 26 November 2015 by Zedturtle (talk | contribs) (Choose culture)
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The steps for character creation are as follows:


All totems start at 1.

Choose culture[edit]

Choose which culture your character hails from. Currently you can choose to be Hatakee, Yuhtil, Othilian or Menotil.

Choose Packages[edit]

Select one Child package and one Background package. Packages are culture specific. Add up any bonuses. They are cumulative; If you get Bear +1 from your Child package and Bear +2 from your Background package, you will have Bear 4 (counting the initial 1 you start with by default)

Choose Skills[edit]

You now may assign skills with the following restrictions:

  • Skills may be a maximum of 2 at character creation.
  • The sum of skills in any row or column of the skill grid must add up to 4.

Choose Aspect (Optional)[edit]

Optionally, choose an aspect.

Choose Weapons and Defenses[edit]

Fill In Injury Track[edit]

Unless you have a special ability that says otherwise, fill in the first five spots on the Injury Track with 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.