Danny Hawes

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A character in The Polysemous Foundation.

Danny Haws

  • Description and Background:

Danny was too smart a kid for his own good, really. Observant enough when it came to people, too; he quickly learned a battery of excuses tailored to each teacher that allowed him to do less work for more return and sympathy, and when he started getting the attention of other children for being too close to the teacher, identified the ringleaders and found ways to schmooze them, too.

Through that he fell into petty crime, and through that he fell into a small, local, mostly teenage network of petty larceny, fencing, and occasional other misdemeanours as and when they became available and appropriate.

Something similar, but on a grander scale, funded him through college, and bought him, after graduation, an extremely expensive suit. At that point he "did what any graduate worth their salt does - I went into business for myself." His speciality was a particular kind of graft where he'd assess a business by appearing to be a potential client or investor, doing enough research to make that convincing, and a few days after he'd passed out of their lives, returning to swipe anything that looked worth fencing.

Recently, his wanderings in the country having brought him to New York, he targeted a string of businesses in the financial sector in sequence, which meant that people who talk to one another started to notice the pattern. And yet Danny, sure in his uncatchability - after all, he never had been before - saw more fish to target and continued...

  • Aspects:
    • We Understand One Another
    • There's More Than One Way To Open A Door
    • Aspect
    • Aspect
    • Aspect


  • Rank 5: Guile
  • Rank 4: Insight, Stealth
  • Rank 3: Diplomacy, Networking - Underworld
  • Rank 2: Assets, Firearms, Research
  • Rank 1: Education, Engineering, Software, Melee, Pilot, Resolve, Strategy


  • Stunt 1:
  • Stunt 2:
  • Stunt 3:


  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

Stress Tracks & Consequences

  • Stress:
    • Physical: 0/X
    • Mental: 0/X
    • System: 0/X

  • Consequences:
    • Physical:
    • Mental:
    • System:


  • This won't actually be a major component of the game, don't bother filling stuff in here right now.
  • I'm basically going to assume you have the shit you absolutely would have to have for your concept
  • And then we'll check Assets if you need anything else.


  • Name
    • Who they are and stuff
  • Name
    • Who they are and stuff
  • Name
    • Who they are and stuff
  • Name
    • Who they are and stuff