Sheela-Na-Gig A character in the Morgansfort campaign.
- Human Magic-user 1
- XP: 1235/2500
- STR 14 (+1)
- INT 15 (+1)
- WIS 13 (+1)
- DEX 13 (+1)
- CON 11
- CHA 5 (-2)
- Common
- +1
Racial Abilities
- +10% Experience
Class Abilities
- Spellcasting
- HP: 4/4
- AC: 12
- AB: +1
- Dagger +2, 1d4+1 Damage
- Dagger +2, 1d4+1 Damage. 10/20/30.
- Move: 40
- Saving Throws:
- Death/Poison 13
- Wands 14
- Paralysis/Stone 13
- Dragon Breath 16
- Spells 15 (14 illusion, 17 charm)
- Equipment: 61/65
- Armor: None
- Weapons: 10 Daggers (10)
- Gear:
- Short Bow (2)
- Quiver/20 arrows (3)
- Backpack
- Cloak (1)
- Clothing, common outfit (1)
- Rope, Hemp (50') (5)
- 6 Torches (1)
- Tinderbox (1)
- 2 Waterskins (4)
- Holy Water
- Spellbook
- Lantern (2)
- Eamon's Hand Axe and 50' Hemp Rope (10)
- 6 Flasks of Oil (6)
- Ink
- Paper (1 sheet + Map of Old Island Fortress)
- 10 Quills
- Flint and steel (1)
- Whetstone (1)
- Treasure: 45 pp 4 gp 2 sp + 42 pp 1 gp 1 sp (Eamon's money) + 43 pp 2 gp (Bwalin's money), Potion of Speed
- First Level. 1 per day.
- Read Magic
- Charm Person
- Magic Missile
- Sheela is not a modern magician, certainly not a purveyor of 'respectable magic' as Mr. Norell would put it. Sheela dresses in a plaid cloak and little else but woad, scars and tattoos. With her matted hair, vile tongue and wild eyes she does not make friends easily but is incredibly loyal.
Unearth more magic (easier to find than make)