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Yarnell of Kratas (Of Barsaive, in the Prime Material)


  • Mystical Creature
  • Pilfered Past
  • Conjoined Spirits


Exceptional Senses d10, Teleport d8, Enhanced Speed d8, Enhanced Reflexes d8, Magic Resistance d8, Weapon d6

  • SFX: Horn - When making an attack with the Weapon power, add a d6 to the dice pool and reduce the highest die by one step. Step up Physical Stress inflicted.
  • SFX: Blink - Step up or double Teleport when being used in a reaction roll. Spend 1PP to do both.
  • SFX: Poison Immunity - Spend 1PP to ignore Stress or Complications caused by poison or toxins.
  • LIMIT: Tiny Quadraped - turn an AL'MI-RAJ power into a Complication and gain 1PP. Remove the Complication to restore the Power or spend a Transition Scene.


Enhanced Reflexes d8, Enhanced Senses d8, Invisibility d8, Telepathy d8, Water-walking d8, Sorcery Control d8

  • SFX: Sneak Attack - Step up any stunt created on an opportunity, or step up Stress inflicted by any opponent that you are currently activating an opportunity in their reaction roll.
  • SFX: Trap Sense - Step down any Stress caused by a trap in an exploration scene.
  • SFX: Uncanny Dodge - on a successful reaction against an attempt to cause physical stress, convert your opponent's effect die into a stunt, or step up a LEGENDARY THIEF power for one action.
  • SFX: Slippery Mind - before you take an action using a LEGENDARY THIEF power you may move your Mental Stress to the Doom Pool and step up the power trait for the action.
  • SFX: Stolen Rings - Step up or double a LEGENDARY THIEF power for one action or spend 1PP to do both. If the roll fails, add a die to the Doom Pool equal to the power's normal rating.
  • LIMIT: Exhausted - Shutdown a LEGENDARY THIEF power and gain 1PP. Spend a Transition Scene to recover.


  • Skullduggery Grandmaster d12
  • Scouting Master d10
  • Acrobatics Expert d8
  • Lore Expert d8
  • Healing Expert d8
  • Melee Combat Expert d8