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The Stragglers' Odyssey

Character 1 name

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Character 3 name


Kleon, son of the Great Kleitos

A slender youth with not a whisker on his chin, wearing a black lion-mane mantled cloak far too long for him.

Attributes Agility d8 Smarts d6 Spirit d6 Strength d6 Vigor d6

Charisma 0 Pace 8" (+1d10" on Run)* Parry 5 Toughness 4*

Skills Boating d4 Climbing d4 Fighting d6 Knowledge: Myths & Legends d4 Notice d6 Persuasion d4 Stealth d6 Survival d6 Swimming d4 Throwing d8 Tracking d4

Edges Fleet-footed

Hindrances Small (Major) Outsider (Non-Adult)(Minor) Loyal (Minor)

Background Kleon is 15 or 16, no longer a child, yet he has not yet grown into a man. He has practiced the ways of war for years with his father, and others, but has never fought in battle. Faster than anyone else in his camp, he throws well and frequently hunts the arid hills for a rabbit or bird to add to the communal pots, yet he is not big enough to wield the long spear and shield yet.

He is determined to return to his fathers lands, to see his mother again, and to one day take up the spear and shield and live up to the memory of his father's deeds.

Due to his age and size, his opinion rarely carries much weight, but he is determined to give it anyway. [/sblock]

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