LetsBuild5e:Politics in Gartihann
The Three Families
Three powerful families dominate civil politics in Vikreng - the Enkbazetz, the Agretzad, and the Rangfolz. All three clans are mostly human or half-orc, with the occasional orc, half-elf, aasimar or tiefling mixed in. (Gnomes are still numerous up here in Gartihann, but they never prospered as well in the face of so many orcs and half-orcs.) All three families are descended from the pre-imperial rulers' top henchmen, which is as close to technical nobility as Gartihann offers. All three own lots of property - and have enough clout that the magocracy preferred not to steal their stuff under cover of law. The Agretzad and the Enkbazetz are notorious rivals; their hostility varies in nature, but is always fierce. They came to blows increasingly often in the run-up to the revolution, thereby unintentionally distracting the mages from the quiet return of the bards. After a bloody battle at a coming-out party, in which the Enkbazetz suffered an unexpected defeat, the rivals have been quiet for somewhat over a year. (Decision: [1])
The Prefect
The head of the city government is styled as a Prefect, following Imperial military customs, and is elected for a year at a time. Before the coming of the mages, the post held real power and was contested among the three main families and the trade guilds. Under the magocracy, the post became more ceremonial, and the trade guilds lost their influence over it. Occasionally the orc clans decide to get involved in the bribery and chaos of the elections, and can produce an unexpected winner. (Discussion: [2])