Boltar Stormbreath

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- Main Page; The Prax Adventure

A Character Sheet

Background and Story

It was a much voiced opinion around the clan that Yrsa's terrible wind, during her pregnancy, boded for an auspicious birth. Boltar did indeed make his appearance in the depths of Dark Season, on Windsday of Stasis week, which is Extinguish Day, holy to Urox, marking when the Storm Bull defeated Lodril. As an infant, the boy spoke his first words, his first phrases even, in Stormspeech, something that marked him out, for the rest of his childhood, as something special. And there's the rub.

Yrsa, the boy's mother, was a humble stickpicker. Not very bright, pretty as a spring morning and, sad to say, the plaything of an old goat of a godtalker. Had her Boltar not been such a remarkable infant, things might have been different, simpler. The poor boy's adolescence was a nightmare, however, of uncertainty, of dashed expectations, and of little companionship. The year the old godi died, the year of Boltar's coming of age, he made the boy swear himself to Orlanth, promising him that he would act as his sponsor. Boltar, expecting a first act of kindness from the old goat, was crushed to find the old man in a drunken stupor, with only insults for the boy. One of the clan ring stepped in to sponsor Boltar but when, some weeks later, the godi died, Boltar fled from home and was not seen for a good two years.

Come Starbrow's Rebellion, Boltar had fallen in with an Uroxi gang. Thinking he had finally found his home, and hearing talk of war, he undertook the initiation rites. He barely survived and was sick, unable to find peace, for a full season afterwards. Now an initiate, or so he thought, he travelled to battle with his gang, but nothing seemed right. In the berserker charge that led to his gang's decimation, the fury did not descend upon Boltar. He merely stood, and watched the slaughter.

In the confusion after the rebellion's collapse, some base instinct led Boltar home. Yet here, he is even less certain of his future than when he first left.

Character Details

  • Name: Boltar Stormbreath
  • Cult: Initiate Orlanth, Initiate Urox, Lay Zola Fel
  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Rune Associations: Air, Communication and Eternal Battle.


Str: 10, Con: 14, Siz: 17, Int: 16, Pow: 14, Dex: 10:, Cha: 17.

  • Hit Points: 16
  • Total Fatigue Points: 20
  • Total Magic Points: 14 + 20 crystal
  • Damage Bonus: +1d4
  • Current Fatigue: 0
  • Current Magic Points: 14 + 20 crystal

Skill Groups

  • Communication: +8%
    • Bargain (5%):
    • Fast Talk (5%):
    • Orate (5%): 60%
    • Sing (15%):
    • Language [Sartarite] (INTx5%): 90%
    • Language [Trade] (INTx3%): 48%
    • Language [Stormspeech]: 68%

  • Manipulation:+3%
    • Conceal (5%):
    • Device (5%):
    • Sleight of Hand (5%):
    • Instrument [xxx] (0%)

  • Knowledge: +12%
    • Evaluate (5%):
    • First Aid (10%):
    • Shiphandling (0%):
    • Craft [xxxx] (10%):
    • Lore [xxxx] (5%):
    • Read/Write [xxxx](0%):

  • Perception: +6%
    • Listen (25%): 46%
    • Scan (10%): 51%
    • Search (25%): 41%
    • Track (10%): 49%
    • Sense Chaos (0%): 58%

  • Agility: -7%
    • Boat (5%): 43%
    • Climb (40%): 60%
    • Dodge (5%):
    • Jump (25%): 45%
    • Ride (5%): 12%
    • Swim (15%): 20%
    • Throw (25%):
    • Hide (10%): 38%
    • Sneak (10%): 37%
  • Magic: +3%

Ceremony (5%): 74%

Magical Abilities

  • Spirit Magic:
    • Bladesharp 5
    • Protection 2
    • Demoralize (2)
    • Disruption (1)
    • Farsee 1
    • Heal 2
    • Mindspeech 1
    • Mobility 1
    • Fanaticism (1)
  • Divine Magic:
    • Command Spirit of Law (Waha)
    • Divination (used on shell island)
    • Fear (Zorak Zoran) (used against sea serpent)
    • Heal Wound I (Chalana Arroy)
    • Sanctify (used for divination on shell island)
    • Shield II (Storm Bull)
    • Spirit Block I**
  • Gifts/Geases:

Hit Points and Armour

Location Name Armour types A.P. H.P. Enc. Melee Missile
Head Ringmail hood + leather 7 5 1.6 19-20 20
Left Arm Ringmail sleeve + soft leather 7 4 1.6 16-18 18-19
Right Arm Ringmail sleeve + soft leather 7 4 1.6 13-15 16-17
Chest Ringmail Byrnie +soft leather 7 6 3.2 12 11-15
Abdomen Ringmail skirt+Leather skirt 7 5 1.6 09-11 07-10
Left Leg Ringmail+leather 7 5 3.2 05-08 04-06
Right Leg Ringmail+leather 7 5 3.2 01-04 01-03
  • Total Hit Points: 14 HP
  • Total Armor ENC: 16
  • 1 AP Skin

Weapons and Shields

  • Attack Bonus: +3%
  • Parry Bonus: -7%
  • Strik Rank: Siz 1 + Dex 3 = 4
Weapon/Shield Name Damage S.R. A.P. Attack % Parry % Range Enc.
Great Axe (2H) 2d6+2+1d4 6 10 93% 84% - 2
Short Sword (1H) 1d6+1+1d4 6 10 63% 27% - 1
Javelin 1d8+1d2 3/9 8 66% - 20/50 2x1.5=3
Sling 1d8 3 xx 38% xx 100/100 20x0.1=2
Grapple xx xx xx 34% xx xx xx
  • Total Weapon ENC: 8


  • Weapons:
    • Great axe, short sword, 3 javelins, sling and stones.
    • 4 javelins, not carried
  • Magic
    • Magic Crystal: 3 POW power enhancing stone. This one must be attuned. (Lose 1 point of permanent POW.) Then it allows you to double the power of variable spells up to the POW of the stone. It works for everything except Healing spells. You can only ever attune 1 powered crystal.
  • Magic Crystal #1: 20 MP storage device.
  • Armour:
  • Other:
    • Backpack (20 ENC) 2.0 + 4.5 = 6.5 (drop for combat)
      • Lightweight blanket 1.0
      • Straw Paliasse 1.0
      • Waterskin, 4.0 litre 4.5
      • Fishing Net, Small 0.5
      • 4 torches 2.0
      • 2 wax candles (1 hr) 0.2
      • Soap, plain 0.1
      • Crowbar 2.0
      • Rope, 10m 2.0
      • Wooden mallet 1.0
      • Cold chisel 1.0
      • Mutton 0.5
      • Dates 0.5
      • 1L worth of food
  • Valuables:
    • 7L


Storm Bull Cult Spells: Berserker (2), Command Sylph (1), Face Chaos, Impede Chaos, Shield (1)

Common Divine Magic (available to Storm Bull): Dismiss Magic (1), Divination (1), Excommunication (ritual), Extension (1), Find Enemy (1), Find (substance) (1), Heal Wound (1), Mindlink(1), Sanctify (1), Soul Sight (1), Spirit Block (1), Warding (1), Worship (ritual), Armoring Enchantment (ritual), Binding Enchantment (ritual), Strengthening Enchantment (ritual), Spell Matrix Enchantment (ritual), Magic Point Matrix Enchantment (ritual)

Associated Cults: Cure Chaos Wound (Chalana Arroy), Understand Beast Speech (Eiritha), Earthpower (Ernalda), Increase Wind (Orlanth), Cloud Call (Valind) (1), Command Spirit of Law (Waha), Fear (Zorak Zoran)

Command Spirit of Law would be pretty good. It's a spirit that attacts Chaos creatures in spirit combat. If it wins, they die. Fear is pretty good. Valind isn't available here. Check on the others. You can get Cure Chaos Wound, but it's not that great: you stack it with a regular (spirit magic) heal and it provides all the MP for the spell.

Q: How much does a (ritual) spell cost? I couldn't find the text on that. A: As battle magic

Q: In RQ, how does that Urox overlap into shamanism (Storm Bull) work in Prax? I understood it in HW/HQ but my guess is that it kinda means little in RQ as shamans already have a role in what would be divine cults in HQ. A: Good question that I don't have an immediate answer for. You worship Storm Bull as a god and treat him that way, but get access to associated spirits (summoning) through that. A shaman might see him as a massive spirit of some sort and could worship him and gain a point or two of his specialized divine magic (Berserk most readily, Impede Chaos next). From a modern perspective, you see the same entity through different lenses and thus are able to extract different things from it due to your own personal preconceptions of how he works. From a Gloranthan POV, it might be not be too different, given nobody is going to deny that a shaman, rune lord, or priest actually gained displayable power from the encounter. Anyone else?

General note: to become a priest (or rune lord/priest like Storm Bull), you'll need Worship and want Divination and Sanctify. Excommunication will become necessary if you end up an actual staff priest somewhere. There get easier to pick up as you get automatic POW increases for leading worship at that point.

A Storm Khan (Rune Lord/Priest) must have 90% attack in a weapon, Heal 4, and have 90% in four other skills: second attack, ride, scan, search, sense chaos, shield parry, or track.

Training: 10 L for skills 0-25%, 20 L for skills 25-50%, 40 L for skills 51-75%

XP Checks: if d100 > current skill*, add 1d4+1. You always have your INT chance of succeeding.

- Main Page; The Prax Adventure