Almun FaShazzad:Act7

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Revision as of 22:03, 10 August 2006 by (talk) (An Explosive Change)
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An Explosive Change[edit]

How fitting that I sandstorm should show as we begin our siege. The Desert so reflects her people, rising up with furious anger against villainous intruders.

I couldn't see much of what occurred on the other ships, but the finish was quite impressive. It was that sort of crescendo that marks the apex of such a compelling struggle. The resolution was pleasing, with the mass recruitment of all the survivors of the skirmish. This is how it begins. I know it. I only wish we could have spared more in the battle. Maybe we could have...

These "swift riders" are definitely a matter of concern. These are ancient craft designs, but not ancient construction. Even the handlebars had not yet been smoothed from use by these riders. Likewise, I doubt the originals were designed to run such a short period, or to be fueled by those who could not personally wield Essence. Someone is building or refitting artifacts for the Guild, and no doubt at a tidy profit. My gut leads me to believe it's coming from Gem. All the strange activities, including the sampling of mining sections... I wager they're looking for magical materials, and I doubt they're searching for jade. Either way, Gem is definitely becoming all too apparent a situation.

In the meantime, we have a thousand djala, and a sand pirate crew, and a number of Guildsmen to put in order. I will definitely need to talk to Whistler... and perhaps have Diamond talk to him as well...