Aoth the Puppeteer of the Mysterious East

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Aoth Fezim

Male human Wiz1: Size M (5 ft., 8 in. tall); hp 6; Init +2 (+2 Dex) Spd 30 ft. AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack 0 (+0 Base -1 Str) melee, or +2 (+0 Base, +2 Dex) ranged;

SV Fort +2 (+0 Base, +2 Con), Ref +2 (+0 Base, +2 Dex), Will +4 (+2 Base, +2 Wis); AL LN;

Str 10 (+0), Dex 15 (+2), Con 14 (+2), Int 16 (+3), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 10 (0).

Languages Spoken: Common, Mulhorandi, Alzhedo, Ignan, Infernal

Spell per day 3/2 Spell's DC: level 0 general: 14 level 0 enchantments: 15 level 1 general: 15 level 1 enchantments: 16

Spell Usually Memorized: 0: Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand 1: Charm Person (x2)

Spell Known: 0: all 1: Disguise Self, Mage Armour, Unseen Servant, Comprehend Language, Charm Person, Sleep

Alchemy 7 (4 ranks +3 Int) Scry 7 (4 ranks +3 Int) Spellcraft 7 (4 ranks +3 Int) Concentration 4 (2 ranks +2 Con) Profession(Puppeteer) 4 (2 ranks +2 Wis) Knowledge(Arcana) 5 (2 ranks +3 Int) Knowledge(The Plane) 5 (2 ranks +3 Int) Knowledge(History) 5 (2 ranks +3 Int) Knowledge(Nobility) 5 (2 ranks +3 Int)

Feats: Scribe Scroll, Spellcasting Prodigy, Spell Focus (Ench)


Entertainer's outfit Zulkoune Pack mule Collection of puppets Dagger Smokestick 1 scroll of Command Undead 1 scroll of Cause Fear 1 scroll of Ray of Enfeeblement 1 scroll of Magic Missile 1 scroll of Feather Fall 1 scroll of Identify 1 scroll of Mount 8 gp