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Tamaraneans are an extraterrestrial race. The best-known is Koriand'r (Starfire, from the Teen Titans). Their principle planet is called Karna, though they have lost several home planets to warfare.

Physical Description[edit]

Tamaraneans are an orange-skinned humanoid people who descended from a feline-like race. Their skin tone ranges from near-yellow to a deep, ruddy, nearly-brown tone. Some individuals sprout short (up to 1 inch) horns along shoulders and/or brows. This is considered a sign of masculinity, though it occasionally occurs in women. Most are tall and athletically built by human standards.


A warrior ethos pervades the culture, with a distinct emphasis on directness, and honesty. In dealing with humans this directness can come off as abrasive or callous. They are typically considered a passionate people. In keeping with their preference for directness, Tamaraneans have no taboos related to nakedness or sexual promiscuity. It's said that they do not believe emotions are a part of the sexual experience.

Tamaraneans are typically polytheistic and monarchical.


Tamaraneans have the power to convert ultraviolet radiation into energy for flight with the females producing a distinctive contrail that seems to flow from their hair. Certain family lines have the ability to fire "starbolts", beams of energy, as a result of experiments performed by the Psions. Some of these same family lines demonstrate Super Strength and/or Invulnerability. All of these abilities are partially derived from their mind, and influenced by their emotional state.

In game terms each of their Powers but one is related to a pair of Conditions. Having one of these Conditions prohibits the character from using the power, and the other grants them the 9-again quality while they bear it. This is considered an Extra and a Weakness, so the power remains at the same level. Invulnerability is an exception (having 9-again isn't helpful for Invulnerability). In this case the power can only be inhibited, so it is considered a weakness.

Power: Flight
Empowered by: Joyful
Inhibited by: Rueful

Power: Force Strike (for which the Force Shot, Force Blast, Armor Piercing and Rapid Fire power tree merits may be bought)
Empowered by: Enraged
Inhibited by: Serene, Swooning (for the target specifically)

Power: Mega Strength
Empowered by: Steadfast
Inhibited by: Broken or Shaken

Power: Invulnerability (Beta [Broad Category [Physical Attacks]), Invulnerability (Beta [Broad Category [Energy Attacks])
Inhibited by: Broken, Shaken, Notoriety, Guilty

New Merit- Language Acquisition (***): The character exchanges the normal training time to learn a standard language merit with '3 turns of skin contact with a speaker of that language'. The exp cost remains the same. 'Standard', in this context, means not a language merit from this rules supplement.

Character Creation Notes[edit]

Few Tamaraneans come to Earth. If the game is set on Earth then why the character is present should be addressed.

In some continuities Tameraneans only gain abilities other than flight after a kind of secondary purberty called 'The Transformation'. This could be useful for players who do not wish to start with all of the listed superpowers. Keep in mind that some Tamaraneans never develop powers beyond flight, so the character is never obligated to develop them.