Tepet Vergus Makashi

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Name: Tepet Vergus Makashi
Concept: Disillusioned Young Commander
Aspect: Fire
Motivation: Liberate the soul of Autumn Rain


  • Favored child of a military house
  • Exalted at a very young age
  • Blood was so strong they honored him even though he was Fire Aspected
  • Marked for success; was groomed into an officer
  • Demonstrated immense aptitude for tactics and melee combat in House of Bells
  • Made a bunch of enemies due to his young flamboyance
  • Accidentally overdosed on Maiden Tea without knowing it - ergo permanently sterile
  • Was one of the sub-commanders sent to the North with the Tepet legions
  • Decided to visit his childhood sweetheart, Autumn Rain who was reportedly staying in the region
  • Discovered that Autumn Rain was actually the Anathema in question
  • Lost every single man of his double dragon in combat that day
  • Barely survived with near-fatal injuries
  • Took a long time to heal
  • Tried to transfer to the Vermilion Legion, but his family didn’t want to risk losing him in battle
  • Looks forward to anything which allows him to go out, do fun stuff and forget about the past.


  • Brash, impulsive, confrontational, wisecracks as much as he can
  • Could tell a man to go to hell in such a way that he’d actually look forward to the trip
  • Used to be cocky and given to showing off, though this has been significantly curtailed
  • Devoted to friends and comrades; values company
  • Currently depressed due to having his unit destroyed by Autumn Rain
  • Is getting sick of the expectation that he’s going to have to be a stud horse
  • Wants to do something apart from sit around and mope all the time


Strength 3
Dexterity 5
Stamina 2

Charisma 5
Manipulation 2
Appearance 2

Perception 2
Intelligence 2
Wits 3


Lore 2

Awareness 3
Integrity 3
Resistance 2
War 5 (2 BP)

Athletics 3
Dodge 5 [In Armor 3] (3.5 BP)
Melee 5 [Artifact Weapons 3] (3.5 BP)
Presence 3
Socialize 2

Martial Arts 2

Archery 3
Performance 2
Ride 1



Artifact 4 (2 BP)

  • Fire Dragon Armor (sans upkeep, sans elemental lens)
  • Jade Foe-Clearing Halberd

Artifact 2 (2 BP)

  • Jade Hearthstone Bracers
  • Skin-Mount Setting

Breeding 5 (4 BP)

Manse 4 (2 BP)

  • Stone of the Monkey’s Finger (Level 4, socketed in Skin-Mount Setting)
  • Snakeskin Stone (Level 2, socketed in Dragon Armor)
  • Jewel of the Flying Heart (Level 1, socketed in Halberd)
  • Gem of Clear Thought (Level 1, socketed in Dragon Armor)

Resources 3

  • Perfected Boots purchased at Resources 2 (Artifact 1 minor item, +1 to price, total Res 2)


First War Excellency

Effortlessly Rising Flame
Falling Star Strike
Bellows-Pumping Stride

First Melee Excellency
Dragon-Graced Weapon

First Presence Excellency


Compassion 2
Conviction 4 (3 BP)
Temperance 1
Valor 4 (3 BP)

Willpower 8
Essence 2
Personal 15
Peripheral 19 / 41 (10 + 7 + 4 + 1 committed)