Lost Londinium
A play-by-post game using a mash up of 5.6e Call of Cthulhu (BRP) and B/X D&D, set in apocalyptic Roman Britain.
The apocalypse rages. Mighty empires have fallen. But some pits are darker than others...
The Imperial government is gone. In its place are:
- the Bureaucracy, which handles the nuts and bolts of actually running the city. Based in the Old Forum, now called Albus Atrium.
- the Constabulary, which maintains order and enforces the Rules of the City. Based in the Old Fort, now called Caledonia Yard.
Player Characters[edit]
Irbis, formally of Bremetennacum[edit]
Played by Walkie Talkie Noise Decoder
- Level 1 Scout
- 200 xp
- STR 12, INT 16 (2), W 10, D 16, CO 10, CHA 8
- HP 6
- AC -1
- Languages: tbd
- Skills: Athletics 19, Navigation 19, Stealth 19, Occult 3
- Thief Skills: Hear any noise 15, Find and remove small traps 15
- Connections
- Imperial Veterans
- Complications
- The Painted people.
- Visions.
- Wife and kids.
- Esoterica: Whispered Hint x 1
- Equipment:
Mail, decorated helmet, round shield, long sword/spatha, recurve bow and arrows, 3 short throwing/thrusting akontes/spears with saddle quiver, saddle, axe, rope, lamp, bedding, satchel, wineskin. Cavalry horse.
- 25 gp
Quintus Valerius Carbo[edit]
(real name: Rufus)
Played by NoMessiah
- Level 1 Fighter
- 200 xp
- STR 16, INT 10, W 9, D 14, CO 14, CHA 13
- HP 9
- AC -1
- Languages: tbd
- Skills: Athletics (7), Etiquette (14), Fast Talk (6), Law (5), Medicine (5), Navigation (5), Occult (3), Psychology (5), Research (10)
- Connections
- Muscle for Hire
- Complications
- Social Climber
- Secret Identity
- Esoterica: Whispered Hint x 1
- Equipment: Lorica segmentata (probably banded mail?), scutum (shield), rounded helmet, gladius (short sword), spear, riding horse, backpack, waterskin, three sets of fine clothing
- 25 gp
Valerius Apius Scaurus[edit]
Played by Brill1ance
- Level 1 Fighter
- 200 xp
- STR 12, INT 9, W 16, D 13, CO 16, CHA 10
- HP 10
- AC -1
- Languages: Latin, Celtic
- Skills: Athletics 12, Occult 3, Research 13, Stealth 17, Streetwise 15
- Connections
- Londinium Constabulary
- Complications
- Dark Secret
- Secret Identity
- Esoterica: Whispered Hint x 1
- Equipment: Banded Mail, Helmet, Shield, Short Sword (Gladius), Dagger, 4 Javelins, Backpack, Bedroll, Rations, Mirror, Silk Rope, 2 Lg. Sacks, Waterskin
- 50 gp
Dionisyios Aelius[edit]
Played by MonsterMash
- Level 1 Magic-User
- 200 xp
- STR 10, INT 16, W 10, D 13, CO 10, CHA 14
- HP 1/4
- AC 4
- Spell: Sleep
- Languages: Latin, Greek
- Skills: Athletics 5, Engineering 2, Etiquette 10, Law 10, Medicine 3, Navigation 6, Occult 3, Psychology 7, Research 5, Stealth 5, Streetwise 4
- Connections
- Londinium Bureaucracy
- Complications
- Smuggler
- Secret Identity
- Esoterica: Whispered Hint x 1
- Equipment: Spatha (Long sword), sling and 30 bullets, waterskin, backpack, set of fine clothing, lamp and oil, set of scales and weights, bedroll, 2 lg sacks, rope, Leather armour, oval shield, helmet.
- 50 gp
House Rules[edit]
I will be using a number of House Rules to better fit B/X D&D to Call of Cthulhu's concepts, gothic horror themes and my lazy DM philosophy:
- Character Generation
- Character Classes: Only humans allowed but to give players more options, I'll roundabout bring back the Elf and Halfing as two new classes, the Spellsword (Fighter/Magic User) and Scout (Fighter/Thief).
- Characters get a Standard Array for ability scores 16, 14, 12, 10, 10, 8 (arrange to suit). Then, PCs modify ability scores with bonus points depending on class. NB- it costs 3 bonus points to increase a 17 to an 18, it costs 2 bonus points to increase a 16 to an 17, and all other increases cost 1 bonus point
- Fighter, 6 bonus points
- Thief, 4 bonus points
- Cleric, 3 bonus points
- Magic User, 3 bonus points
- Scout, 2 bonus points
- Spellsword, 1 bonus point
- Characters get limited hit points depending on class, modified by Constitution scores. (i.e., after 2nd level hit points DO NOT INCREASE WITH LEVEL)
- Fighter, 8 hit points + (Constitution adjustment)
- Cleric, 6 hit points + (Constitution adjustment)
- Scout, 6 hit points + (Constitution adjustment)
- Spellsword, 6 hit points + (Constitution adjustment)
- Thief, 5 hit points + (Constitution adjustment)
- Magic User, 4 hit points + (Constitution adjustment)
- Cleric, call forth magic light from a holy weapon at will
- Unlike Magic Users, a Cleric does NOT need to select his/her spells beforehand (i.e., s/he decides at the time of casting)
- Every day, a Cleric can produce one vial of holy water
- Cleric, call forth magic light from a holy weapon at will
- Thief, divide 60 points among 1) open locks, 2) find and remove small traps, 3) pick pockets, 4) hide in shadows, 5) hear any noise and 6) move silently
- After Character Generation, add 6 points for every new level
- Thief, divide 60 points among 1) open locks, 2) find and remove small traps, 3) pick pockets, 4) hide in shadows, 5) hear any noise and 6) move silently
- Scout, divide 30 points among 1) open locks, 2) find and remove small traps, 3) pick pockets, 4) hide in shadows, 5) hear any noise and 6) move silently
- After Character Generation, add 3 points for every new level
- Unlike Thieves, a Scout CANNOT backstab
- Scout, divide 30 points among 1) open locks, 2) find and remove small traps, 3) pick pockets, 4) hide in shadows, 5) hear any noise and 6) move silently
- Spellsword, cast spells as per a Magic User of half level round down (i.e., 1st level Spellsword cannot cast spells, 2nd level Spellsword cast spells as per a 1st Magic User)
- Complications
- Every PC has one to three complications from their past (ala the characters from “Lost”).
- if one or more of your complications impacts your character alone (i.e., not causing problems for the whole party) in a significant way, you get bonus XP.
- Investigator skills
- All PCs start with 60 points to distribute among skills
- Athletics- includes Swim
- Engineering
- Etiquette- knowledge of what is becoming or appropriate for a person of good breeding
- Fast Talk- confuses someone for a few minutes. Not Persuasion
- Law- includes Bureaucracy
- Medicine- includes Herbalism and Forensics
- Navigation- getting around. Includes Tracking
- Psychology- detects lies and insanity
- Research
- Stealth- broader than Thieves' Skills of Hide in Shadows and Move Silently, and at an amateur level
- Streetwise- the necessary knack, personality and instinct for survival in rough, urban environments
- Occult starts with max 3 points- further increases in Occult cost permanent reduction in Wisdom via reading forbidden books.
- Characters Generally
- All classes can use all weapons, armor and magic items (e.g., MUs can use swords and fighters can use wands).
- All classes use the Fighter XP and Saving Throw tables
- All PCs speak at least Latin and one other language of their choice
- All PCs begin with whatever mundane gear they would like and 25 gp
- For Fighters, Scouts and Spellswords, THAC0 improves by 1 each level. For others, THAC0 improves by 1 every other level.
- For Fighters, Scouts and Thieves, natural AC improves by 1 each level. For others, natural AC improves by 1 every other level.
- Equipment
- shields deduct 3 from Armor Class, rather than 1
- Standard Checks
- Spot Checks use Intelligence
- Fear Checks use Wisdom
- Stealth Checks use (Intelligence + Dexterity) / 2
- Combat
- Facing
- Flank Attacks are at +2
- Rear Attacks are at +4
- Facing