Level Six Spells - Memorized
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Level Six Memorization Slots: 8
Unused Slots: 3
++ = Spells granted free memorization due to magic item, skill or ability
Level Six Spells - Memorized
Chain Lightning
Range: 40 yds. + 5 yds./level - AoE: Special - Save: 1⁄2
This spell creates an electrical discharge that begins as a single stroke of lightning, 21⁄2 feet wide, commencing from the fingertips of the caster. Unlike a lightning bolt spell, chain lightning strikes one object or creature initially, then arcs to a series of other objects or creatures within range, losing energy with each jump.
Duration: 1 day/level
By means of this spell, the wizard is able to place another spell upon his person so that the latter spell will come into effect under the conditions dictated during the casting of the contingency spell.
Globe of Invulnerability
Range: 0 - Duration: 1 round/level - AoE: 10' diameter sphere
This spell is the same as the fourth level Minor Globe Of Invulnerability for the fact that it prevents the functioning of first through fourth level spell, affecting the magic-user within the globe, while he or she can cast spells through it, of course.
Range: Touch - Duration: Permanent - AoE: Person touched
The corpse is touched, and a new incarnation of the person will appear in the area in 1 to 6 turns, providing the person has not been dead for longer than 1 day per level of experience of the magic-user.
Stone to Flesh
Range: 10'/level - Duration: Permanent - Save: Special - AoE: One creature
Turns any sort of stone into flesh - if the recipient stone object was formerly living, it will restore life (and goods), although the survival of the creature is subject to the usual system shock survival dice roll. Any formerly living creature, regardless of size, can be thus returned to flesh. Ordinary stone can be likewise turned to flesh at a volume of 9 cubic feet per level of experience of the spell caster.