The Dominion of Blackhold
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The Dominion of Blackhold[edit]


The Realm of Ornell - old Suel principality - Hil-Doral (ancient name for Blackhold)
Origins: (Outcasts +2 Social) Weary of the rampant corruption in the city states of the Wild Coast, settlers made a home near the ruins of the old Suel city of Hil-Doral. They came here to start a new city, one where they would be in the ascendant, and this sense of shared burden before an unfriendly world has given them strong social bonds.
Activities: (Martial Tradition +2 Military) The locals fight, have fought, and will fight again. Every family can boast of its scars and sacrifices, and the trade of the blade is honored and cultivated by the natives. Unlike simple nests of unruly rabble, these locals have some deeper tradition to organize and focus their martial exertions. Even the dullest commoner can be expected to know the rudiments of handling a spear and maneuvering to the sound of drums, trumpets and gongs.
Key Leaders[edit]
Otho Greenhand: Mayor
Fara Greenhand: Sheriff
Alma: Local Ranger
Blackhold: 11 (2) Military / 12 (2) Wealth / 16 (0) Social
Town: +2 wealth, +2 social (base)
Origins: Outcasts +2 Social
Activities: Martial Tradition +2 Military
Base: (2/2/4)
Assets and Locations (9/10/12)
- (1/0/0) Militia Muster: +1 military
- (2/0/0) Palisade: +2 military
- (0/2/0) Market: +2 wealth
- (not ready) - Shrine: to the mistress +2 social
Able to be built:
- Barracks: +2 military
- School: +2 wealth
- Resource Extractor: +2 wealth (Tallow Mine)
- (0/2/2) Democratic Traditions: +2 wealth, +2 social
- (0/4/0) Dwarf Friend: +4 wealth
- (0/0/4) Elf Friend: +4 social
Locations Controlled[edit]
- (0/2/0) Tallow Mine: Good Mine +2 wealth
- (4/0/0) Nol Daer: Crumbled fortress +2 military, commanding location +2 military
- (2/0/2) Duskglave: Dwarven Hold +2 wealth, Scattered Heirs +2 Social
- (0/0/4) Temple of Serenity (Noldarhim): Broken Temple: +2 social, great art +2
Military Assets[edit]
Military Upkeep Costs: (2/2/0)
- (1 unit) Archers: (Upkeep 1/1/0) Seasoned (+1 to hit, +1 ML)
- (1 unit) Light Infantry: (Upkeep 1/1/0) Seasoned (+1 to hit, +1 ML)
- (2 units) Militia: (No upkeep - defense only)
- (2 units) The Anarie: (Elven Warriors - No upkeep) Seasoned (+1 to hit, +1 HD)
Recruitable Units[edit]
UNIT TYPE: - UNIT UPKEEP (Military/Wealth/Social)
Archers: - Upkeep: 1/1/0
Crossbowmen: - Upkeep: 1/1/0
Dwarf Crossbows: - Upkeep: 2/1/1
Dwarf Warriors: - Upkeep: 2/1/1
Elf Bowmen: - Upkeep: 1/1/2
Elf Warriors: - Upkeep: 2/2/2
Heavy Infantry: - Upkeep: 2/2/0
Levies: - Upkeep: 1/0/0
Light Cavalry: - Upkeep: 2/2/0
Light Infantry: - Upkeep: 1/1/0
Militia: - Upkeep: 1/0/0
Pikemen: - Upkeep: 2/1/0