Ser Peter Selmy
Ser Peter Selmy is the last public member of his family. The Alliance is good for all in it. It is not insulated from the evils of inter-House politics. House Selmy was used as a pawn in a scheme between Archduke Salazar and Duke Milo in the last round of jockeying for the High King's successor. The former High King was getting on in years. They used House Selmy to propose a known loser, Duke Jonathan of the East Marches. Peter's family was unaware of his religious intolerance. For supporting him, Selmy's family lost trade and social standing. The combination of which bankrupted them. They sold off what they could or gave it to other families, mainly to Archduchess Neega of the Stone Shore and Duke Volerio of the Midlunds. Peter lost contact with his family by their lack of communication, he thinks.
Ser Peter was already a squire to a Pegasus knight when this occurred. The knight let Peter out of his service upon recommendation of a local lord. Peter wandered to the east. He still had two loyal servants. He came upon a Free Count, Gell of Grey's Manor. This Count had lost goods, peasants, and his daughter to a goblin raid. Single-handedly, Peter rescued the count's daughter, most of his goods, and the surviving peasants. The Count knighted Peter on the spot. Since then, Ser Peter has gallivanted about the countryside in the east. He picked up a squire, the fourth son of Hold, Baron of Grey Tower.
Stat Block
16 | 10 | 14 | 8 | 14 | 12 |
+3 | +0 | +2 | -1 | +2 | +1 |
- Level: 2
- Race: Human
- Class: Fighter
- Battlemaster
- Alignment: Good
- Background: Noble (Knight)
- Proficiency bonus: +2
- Total Hit Points: 19
- Passive Perception: 14
- Armor Class: 18
- Personality: Despite noble birth, not place self above common folk.
- Ideal: Noble obligation.
- Bond: Loyalty to sovereign (since family/house fell).
- Flaw: Feel as bringing shame to family (contributed to its fall).
Proficiencies and Skills
- Acrobatics (Dex) +0
- Animal Handling (Wis) +4
- Arcana (Int) -1
- Athletics (Str) +5
- Deception (Cha) +1
- History (Int) +1
- Insight (Wis) +2
- Intimidation (Cha) +1
- Investigation (Int) -1
- Medicine (Wis) +2
- Nature (Int) -1
- Perception (Wis) +4
- Performance (Cha) +1
- Persuasion (Cha) +3
- Religion (Int) -1
- Sleight of Hand (Dex) +0
- Stealth (Dex) +0
- Survival (Wis) +2
- Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
- Languages: Common, Halfling, Orc
- Tools: Chess
- Training: ---
- Weapons and Armor: Simple weapons, Martial weapons, all armor, shields
Spells and Features and Feats
- Fighting Style: Dueling - +2 damage when using a one-handed weapon.
- Second Wind: once per encounter regain 1d10+level in HP.
- Action Surge (1 use)
- Shield Master
- Can push another down with shield if using attack action
- Can evade with shield
- Can add shield bonus to Dex saves
Weapons and Armor
- Longsword
- +5 to hit
- 1d8+5 damage
- 1d10+3 damage (if two-handed)
- Handaxe x2
- +5 to hit in melee
- 1d6+3 damage
- +2 to hit at range
- 1d6+3 damage
- Range 20/60
- Chain armor
- AC 16
- Shield
- AC +2
Retainers and Mounts
Jaime, the squire - half-orc from Grey Tower. Baron Holg and Lady Elann.
Branson, the groom
Carson, the valet
Possessions, Mundane
Explorer's pack
Fine clothes
Signet ring
Scroll of pedigree
Coin purse
Banner (depicting...)
Possessions, Treasure
Gold: 25
Silver: 0
Possessions, Party Loot
Possessions, Magical
Goals/Things I Want to Do
- Revenge on Salazar
- Revenge on Milo
- Reacquire the family's regalia
- Unsully the family's name
- Joust someone
- Get a horse (preferably before the joust)
- Become a Pegasus Knight (and get a pegasus)
- Joust a dragon (preferably from atop a pegasus)