Paul 2371

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Name: Paul 2371


WS 30 (3)

BS 40 (4)

S 30 (3)

T 40 (4)

Ag 30 (3)

Int 60 (12)

Per 40 (4)

WP 30 (3)

Fel 30 (3)

Wound Points: 13

Fate Point: 3

Insanity Points: 4

Corruption Points 0

Home World: Forge World (-5 WS, + 5 Int),

-Common Lore (Tech) (Int), Common Lore (Machine Cult) Int,

-Credo Omnissah (Technical Knock). Fit for Purpose (+3 to Characteristics)

-Stranger to the Cult (-10 to Knowledge of Imperial creed, -5 to Fel with Priests)

-Starting Wounds (x2 tough, 1d5+1)

Birthright: Savant (+3 Int, -3 T, Peer(Academics) )

Lure of the Void: Chosen by Destiny [Seeker of Truth(Foresight), Enemy (Academy), -3 WP]

Trials and Travails: Dark Voyage [Forbidden Lore (Archeotech)], Mark by Darkness (1d5 IP)

Motivation: Prestige [Talented (Tech-Use)]

Career: Explorator (2 Bionic Implants, )


-Awareness (Per)

-Common Lore (Machine Cult, Tech) (Int)

-Forbidden Lore (Archeotech) +10 (Int)

-Forbidden Lore( Adeptus Mechanicus) (Int)

-Literacy (Int)

-Logic (Int)

-Speak Language (Exporator Binary, Low Gothic, Techna-lingua) (Int)

-Tech-Use (Int)

-Trade (Armourer) (Int)

-Trade (Technomat) (Int)


-Mechanicus Implants

-Unnatural Intellect (x2)

Multiplies the bonus of that characteristic by an amount determined by the trait (most commonly x2), for all situations except for calculating movement distances.

Grants a number of bonus degrees of success on opposed test using that characteristic by an amount equal to the multiplier (+2 DoS for a x2 Unnatural Characteristic).

Makes all skill tests reliant on that characteristic one or more steps easier (one step easier for x2, two steps for x3, and so forth)]


-Basic Weapons Training (Universal)

-Melee Weapon Training (Universal)

-Logis Implant [+10 bonus to WS and BS on success, Toughness test or 1 fatigue]

-Technical Knock [Un-jam any gun as half-action 1 per round, touch]

-Enemy (Ecclesiarchy) [-10 Fel for Ecclesiarchy]

-Peer (Academics) [+10 Fel for Academics]

-Foresight [10min, +10 bonus to next Int test]


-Good Quality Hellgun [1d10+4 E, Pen 7, 30, RoF S/3/-, +5 to attack, Reliable]

-Good Quality Power Axe [1d10+7 E, Pen 7, Power Field, Unbalanced, + 5 to Attack ]

-Enforcer light carapace (AP 5)


-Void Suit


-Sacred Unguents


-Combi-tool (+10 Tech-use)


-Servo-skull Familiar


100xp (Int +5)

200xp Good Quality Cognitive Implant (Unnatural Intelligence (x2), Conginator, +1d10 Insanity Points)

200xp Good Quality Mind Impulse Unit (+10 bonus to communicate with machine spirits, Tech-Use, Pilot, Drive, Logic, Inquire, and Ballistic Skill Tests when interface. Also let you see through servo-skull as if present)